Bulgaria and Romania will join forces to work on Schengen acceptance

Mina Boycheva 26/07/2013

The Prime Minister of Bulgaria Mr. Plamen Oresharski had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Romania Mr. Victor Ponta at the end of June. The meeting was arranged to discuss various matters of mutual interest for the two countries, however the main topic was the two countries’ bid to enter the passport free Schengen area. The two prime ministers agreed to organize a summit in the city of Varna in the autumn. The main decision that resulted from their meeting in July was that the two countries decided to work together and to face the difficulties they encounter. The two countries will coordinate their positions in an attempt to have a better standing in front of their partners from the European Union.

The accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen zone was blocked in March by a group of member states, on the basis of problems with the organized crime and the corruption which the two countries are believed to have. During the meeting the two prime ministers also discussed several projects that concern both of the countries, such as the energy project of Nabucco and the natural gas networks between the two countries.

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