Former Prime Minister about Bulgaria being postponed for entry in the Schengen Zone

Mina Boycheva 19/04/2013

After the entry of Bulgaria in the Schengen zone that requires no passports and has no inner borders was postponed in the beginning of March, the former Prime Minister of the country, Mr. Boyko Borisov stated that the country would have been accepted if there was no inner political crisis at that moment. Mr. Borisov made that announcement on the basis of the interview that Immigration minister of the Netherlands gave for the Bulgarian National Television on 13th February. In the interview Mr. Fred Teeven said that his country is accepting Bulgaria as a partner, which is offering security and safety. He also stated that after talking with the Prime Minister at that time, Mr. Tsvetanov, he was convinced that Bulgaria is ready to become a member state of the Schengen zone.

Bulgaria’s application for an entry in the Schengen zone will most probably be discussed in late December or in the beginning of 2014, after the new official reports for the country’s progress are issued at the end of the year.

After the meeting during which the acceptance of Bulgaria was postponed, the former Prime Minister Borisov said that he finds the political situation in the country as being one of the factors that made several of the member states become uncertain about the membership of Bulgaria in the Schengen zone. The countries that he had in mind included Austria, Finland and The Netherlands, as Germany was already against the acceptance of the country at that moment. Bulgaria’s application for an entry in the Schengen zone will most probably be discussed in late December or in the beginning of 2014, after the new official reports for the country’s progress are issued at the end of the year.

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