
Bulgaria will enter the visa free Schengen zone in the future

Mina Boycheva 26/03/2013

Bulgarian membership in the Schengen zone that requires no visas has been postponed for a certain period of time. This happened in the first week of March when the Interior Minister of Germany Hans Peter Friedrich expressed his concerns about the acceptance of Bulgaria and Sofia. According to him, the two countries, which are members of the European Union, are still not meeting the criteria in order to enter the passport free Schengen zone. He postponed the two countries entrance for the future, in case they manage to control the corruption levels and arrange for better functionality of the judicial system.

Currently, the Schengen zone comprises of 22 countries from the European Union plus the countries of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.

How can Sofia join the Schengen zone that was established in year 1985? This can happen in case all members of the European Union make a positive vote, in favor of the application. If one of the countries is against that acceptance like Germany in that particular case, then the membership of the country is postponed until the end of the year and even further. The Bulgarian authorities and the prior Interior Minister of Bulgaria criticized the delay, but confirmed that the country is ready for an open and constructive dialogue with Brussels. He expressed his hope that the progress reports for Bulgaria, prepared by the European Commission will be positive. Currently, the Schengen zone comprises of 22 countries from the European Union plus the countries of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland.

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Offices in Sofia and their price tag

Mina Boycheva 25/03/2013

The period before the investment in the Sofia offices is characterized by careful and slow period of consideration of all the characteristics, pros and cons of the property. This is so, as buying or renting one of the offices in Sofia is not that emotional as buying an apartment in Sofia. When offices are concerned, people tend to be more practical and to act wisely. Thus before making any steps towards the actual purchase, the investors in Sofia office premises are estimating the business building itself, its location and extras, the presence of public transport, security service, parking zone and maintenance. Without any doubt, the most important factor here is the price. In other words, if the price of the office is right the investors are likely to make one or several compromises.

The sale price levels of the offices from class A and B in 2012 have dropped with almost 7.5 % compared to the office prices in 2011. The rental levels of the offices have also dropped with 16 % or in other words at the end of 2012 the average rental price for office premises in Sofia was 5.80 Euro per square meter.

The sale price levels of the offices from class A and B in 2012 have dropped with almost 7.5 % compared to the office prices in 2011. The rental levels of the offices have also dropped with 16 % or in other words at the end of 2012 the average rental price for office premises in Sofia was 5.80 Euro per square meter. The profitability from office space of class A and B was between 6 and 8 % in December 2012.

The decline in the rental and sale prices of Sofia offices will continue to slow down and will be at the rate of 5-8%. It is expected that companies will keep on moving from old to new office buildings in Sofia with better location and extras. The interest of the major investors and company rentals will be mainly concentrated on the energy-efficient commercial buildings whose first levels have retail premises. Currently, the Sofia office market in the country is stable and consistent and major changes are not expected.

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Friedrich blocked Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen zone

Mina Boycheva 25/03/2013

The Interior Minister of Germany, Hans Peter Friedrich blocked the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen zone earlier in March. He expressed his concern in connection with the economic refugees and the prematurity of the two Balkan countries – Bulgaria and Romania to gain full membership in the Schengen zone. Bulgaria has put a lot of efforts into being accepted to the passport free and border free area of Schengen, but on 7th March its acceptance was postponed for an indefinite time.

The Interior Minister of Germany, Hans Peter Friedrich blocked the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen zone earlier in March. He expressed his concern in connection with the economic refugees and the prematurity of the two Balkan countries – Bulgaria and Romania to gain full membership in the Schengen zone.

At the same time, the Bulgarian Interior Minister at that time, Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov announced that his country meets the criteria to be accepted into the Schengen zone. The other members of the zone accept the fact that the country can secure technically the borders of the zone, but are still worried about the shortcomings of the Bulgarian judicial system. The members of the Schengen zone want to protect it and are ready to take all measures in order for it to remain credible. That is why they want to be absolutely sure when they allow Bulgaria and Romania to be part of the Schengen area. Then, if people would like to stay in another country of the European Union, they have to show that they have work or regular income they can rely on. The aim of all the member countries of the European union however, is for people to find good living conditions in their own country and not leave their homes.

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How are Sofia offices paid for

Mina Boycheva 22/03/2013

The investors in Sofia offices often use credits to pay for and complete the deal. The process of selection and choosing the best office usually takes a period of up to five months and viewings of approximately 15 premises. Usually half of the bought office premises in Sofia are purchased for a company’s own usage. Sometimes offices in Sofia are also bought for investment reasons and for renting them out. In the last few years there is a tendency among the companies, which results in demand of newer and modern office centers and business buildings. The affordable prices in the Sofia office segment made man companies relocate in the past few years, while other companies managed to sign new contracts for the offices in Sofia they are using for lower rental prices.

Usually half of the bought office premises in Sofia are purchased for a company’s own usage. Sometimes offices in Sofia are also bought for investment reasons and for renting them out.

At the same time, many investors are looking for office buildings in Sofia with larger office zones. This is especially valid for the companies that plan to increase and widen their spheres of activities. In order to present the Sofia office buildings in a better and more pleasing light, their owners are also willing to offer certain bonuses. For example, they offer completion of the interior or agree to accept one or two monthly payments less until the office is completed. Currently many companies are looking for offices that are situated in retail centers and small malls, which also offer cafes, shops, dining spots. The extras that the Sofia office buildings provide are also of great importance, for example maintenance, parking, security service, access to public transport.

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Schengen zone: Sofia city follows the rules

Mina Boycheva 22/03/2013

Europe without borders – actually the Schengen zone means much more than that and this is the reason why all those countries including Bulgaria with its capital Sofia are so eager to enter. In fact, Bulgarian citizens can travel freely. Even so, since the country is not a member of the Schengen zone, they have no rights to work and study without additional permission. The European Union countries have signed an agreement in 2007, according to which the transitional period for entering the Schengen zone is the end of 2013. After that, Bulgarians will have the right to settle permanently in other countries of the European Union in case they have a job or are enlisted in a University. This however is currently not valid. Sofia is still outside the Schengen zone and will remain there for an indefinite period of time.

Bulgarians will have the right to settle permanently in other countries of the European Union in case they have a job or are enlisted in a University.

An interesting fact to be mentioned is that Bulgaria is already part of the Schengen area and became such as it entered the European Union in year 2007. Even so, the citizens in the country have been blocked from free movement. Bulgaria has increased the border checks with its neighboring countries that are not members of the European Union. Besides, the country is also using the Schengen Information System, which allows for police authorities in the European Union to track down the entries and exits of the country. Sofia also has marked great success in preventing traffic of people, smuggling and drug related crimes. Currently, the country has border controls and this will not change before Bulgaria is accepted in the Schengen zone.

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Cyprus in attempt to save its economy

Mina Boycheva 21/03/2013

The political leaders of Cyprus are trying to make a last minute deal in order to save the economy of the country. According to the information presented by the European Central Bank, it will keep the emergency aid planned for the banks in Cyprus until Monday, however after that it will cut them off unless the local government does not issue a rescue program. Thus, the bailout deal should be signed soon, as the Emergency Liquidity Assistance offered by the European Central Bank will be valid only until the beginning of next week. After that deadline, the assistance will be offered only if the solvency of the banks is secured.

The political leaders of Cyprus are trying to make a last minute deal in order to save the economy of the country.

According to the new plan that the government of Cyprus wants to impose, there still will be a 2 % one-time tax on all deposits up to 100 000 Euro and 5 % one-time tax on the other deposits above the named threshold. This new bailout plan came as the finance minister of Cyprus went to Russia in search of additional help. He took this step as many of the wealthiest people in Russia hold big deposits in the banks of Cyprus. Meanwhile, the banks in the country will remain closed until the end of the week, however the authorities have ordered all ATM machines to be regularly filled with cash.

The European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as well as other European officials hope that Cyprus will soon reach a decision and get a financial lifeline, otherwise the damage to the economy of the country will be enormous.

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Sofia office buildings: completed and under construction

Mina Boycheva 21/03/2013

Last year the construction of office buildings decreased due to the lower investment activity on that market in the country and in Europe in general. The building permission for the construction of administrative and office buildings in Sofia in 2012 were 170 in number with unfolded built-up area of almost 84 000 sq.m. This marks a drop with 23 % compared to the levels in 2011 and 58 % compared to the levels in 2008. In year 2012 the office centers in Sofia of class A and class B covered almost 122 000 sq.m. of area. That added to the total coverage of office premises in Sofia being 1 980 000 sq.m.

In year 2012 the office centers in Sofia of class A and class B covered almost 122 000 sq.m. of area. That added to the total coverage of office premises in Sofia being 1 980 000 sq.m.

Among the bigger office buildings in the capital Sofia are the office center on “Tsar Boris III” Blvd. with 19 800 sq.m., the business center on “Vladimir Vazov” Blvd with 20 400 sq.m. and the center on “Todor Kableshkov Blvd with its 11 800 sq.m. The greatest number of the completed offices in Sofia are situated in already established business districts, such as the areas around Bulgaria Blvd., Todor Alexandrov Blvd., Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd. and Cherni Vrah Blvd. In the central zone of Sofia are still offered modern and new office centers, but they are not many in number. The available office premises in Sofia city make almost 30 % of the existing office premises in the capital. In process of construction were almost 1 400 000 sq.m. of office premises as of December 2012. Currently, there is interest in the construction of smaller office buildings up to 7 000 sq.m.

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Sofia to meet certain conditions to enter Schengen

Mina Boycheva 21/03/2013

As of beginning of March, Sofia and Bucharest cities have remained outside the Schengen zone. Restrictions have been set again, which remind people from Bulgaria and Romania about the separation before year 1989. According to Germany, the two countries have still issues to arrange. Bulgaria’s main problems are the organized crime and the corruption. Locals however, find this blocking offensive and point poverty and the low standard of living as the real reason that made the European countries so reluctant to let Bulgaria into the Schengen zone. The country’s bid to be admitted however is postponed, but not blocked forever.

Bulgaria is hopeful to enter the free travel Schengen zone in the future, when it finally meets the requirements of the European Union members.

In October 2012, Germany also called for certain travel restrictions for the countries on the Balkan peninsula, including imposition of visa requirements. Even if this idea was shared by other members of the European Union like France and Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands, and even by Great Britain, it was later dropped. This was so, as these countries were more afraid of the Roma population trying to enter their territories rather than the regular citizens from the Balkan countries. Thus, no such restrictions are applied today. Bulgaria is hopeful to enter the free travel Schengen zone in the future, when it finally meets the requirements of the European Union members.

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Cyprus turning to Russia for a rescue

Mina Boycheva 20/03/2013

According to Reuters, Cyprus will ask Russia for a new loan in order to avoid a financial bankruptcy, as the island country rejected the 10 billion Euro bailout offered from the European Union, which increased the risk of bank crash and default. The negotiations with Russia are still going on even if the Finance Minister or Cyprus has not made a deal with his Russian colleague the first time. Currently Cyprus has a 2.5 billion euro loan from Russia, but has asked for five-year extension and a second 5 billion Euros loan. At the same moment, Russia has a serious interest to help the banks in Cyprus, as a great deal of the billions is owned by Russian individuals and businesses. In case the country does not take an aid plan soon, the Central European Bank will have to take measures on the Cypriot banking sector.

According to Reuters, Cyprus will ask Russia for a new loan in order to avoid a financial bankruptcy, as the island country rejected the 10 billion Euro bailout offered from the European Union, which increased the risk of bank crash and default.

Cyprus has already rejected the plan offered by the European Union, according to which a levy had to be put on all deposits in order to collect 5.8 billion Euros. Actually, not even one of the lawmakers in Cyprus voted for the bailout scheme offered by the European Union. This is the first time when a national legislature rejects the assistance of the European Union due to its harsh conditions. In the last three years the European Union had offered helping plans to Spain and Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Italy and they all have accepted the measures in order to receive the aid. In general, the European Union usually achieves the outcome they are up to by pressing the smaller countries, but Cyprus is looking for another way out of the crisis.

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The new office buildings in Sofia

Mina Boycheva 20/03/2013

The construction of new big office buildings in Sofia is currently in a waiting policy situation. This is so, as the demand is towards offices in small centers of a mixed type – with residential zone and trade zone with shops. Currently the projects for new office buildings are postponed, until there are more positive prognosis for the real estate market. With an interim government and elections coming in May, the political situation in the country seems unstable and thus foreign investors will most probably arrange for temporal postponing until the situation gets clearer. The real estate brokers and property managers confirm that this might lead to delay in the sale or the rental of the new office premises in Sofia.

In 2013 two high-class office buildings will be completed along Bulgaria Blvd. – the office zone of Bulgaria Mall and Vertigo Business Center, which will form the area as one of the most prestige business and office locations in the capital Sofia.

In 2013 two high-class office buildings will be completed along Bulgaria Blvd. – the office zone of Bulgaria Mall and Vertigo Business Center, which will form the area as one of the most prestige business and office locations in the capital Sofia. Three additional business centers of the same high class are expected to be completed in 2014. In the last few years, the projects for new Sofia office buildings are difficult to be completed. Currently, the office projects in Sofia with postponed construction feature area of almost 220 000 sq.m. At the same time the small companies are looking for smaller office centers and working premises with area varying between 80 and 200 sq.m. The main criteria for choosing a certain office are the good location and easy access, the attractive price and the presence of a parking.

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