Category: Business Support

Romania and Bulgaria with achievable accession in Schengen

Mina Boycheva 28/11/2014

The Deputy Prime Minister at the European Policy and Institutional Matters, Meglena Kuneva, informed the Ambassador of Romania in Bulgaria that the Schengen area accession of Bulgaria and Romania is a target that is achievable for the two countries. According to the press office of the Bulgarian government, among the first visits abroad of Mrs. Kuneva would be to Bucharest where the Deputy Prime Minister will discuss the Schengen bids of Bulgaria and Romania with various representatives of the Romanian government.

According to Meglena Kuneva, Romania and Bulgaria have to keep a special relationship in connection with their common goals in the European Union.

Meglena Kuneva stated that in order for good results to be achieved under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism was among the main priorities of the new Bulgarian government. The Deputy Prime Minister further stated that she will make everything possible to speed up the justice reforms and the fight against corruption in Bulgaria. According to Meglena Kuneva, Romania and Bulgaria have to keep a special relationship in connection with their common goals in the European Union. According to her, the EU investment program should include cross-border projects that will improve the life of the people in the two neighboring countries as far as economic growth is concerned.

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Romania & Bulgaria’s Entry Into Schengen opposed by Francois Fillon

Mina Boycheva 24/11/2014

Francois Fillon, who is the former Prime Minister of France and also a candidate for becoming a leader of the right-wing Union for a Popular Movement as well as for the presidential election in 2017, recently stated that he is against the entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen area. In an interview for the French television TF1, Mr. Francois Fillon stated that France should prevent Romania and Bulgaria from entering the Schengen as these are the two countries wherefrom most Roma people come in France.

Francois Fillon, who is the former Prime Minister of France and also a candidate for becoming a leader of the right-wing Union for a Popular Movement as well as for the presidential election in 2017, recently stated that he is against the entry of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen area.

The former Prime Minister of France further stated that a brand new Schengen area with special border services and just key countries inside which are usually target for mass immigration. Naturally, Mr. Francois Fillon wants more strict conditions for getting French citizenship. At the same time, Romania and Bulgaria hope to be accepted in the movement free Schengen zone soon, as both countries are absolutely ready to become members, as far as technical issues are concerned.

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Schengen Entry for Bulgaria and Romania Still Postponed

Mina Boycheva 21/11/2014

Recently the Foreign Affairs Minister of Romania Titus Corlăţean stated that no consensus has been reached in connection with the acceptance of Romania in the Schengen area. The minister further stated that he is sure Romania will finally be joining Schengen, though the country is now not in the area where the target was overbid. Some of the people in the country say that Romania should be alone in the search for Schengen entry. Others believe that it would be better for Romania to apply for entry in the Schengen zone along with Bulgaria.

Currently, both Romania and Bulgaria have fulfilled the technical criteria to become members of the Schengen zone.

Currently, both Romania and Bulgaria have fulfilled the technical criteria to become members of the Schengen zone. However, the two countries have failed to convince the member countries of the Schengen area that they deserve to be accepted as full members. The European political landscape is quite complicated and both Romania and Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen is victim of other factors which are not directly associated with the readiness of Romania and Bulgaria to become members of the Schengen travel-free zone.

In the past few years France, the Netherlands and Finland opposite the joining of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen free movement zone. These countries insisted on a two-step accession – first naval and air borders and later – the terrestrial borders.

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Bulgaria and Romania Accession to Schengen Addressed

Mina Boycheva 17/11/2014

The main challenges that stay in front of the new Commission in Strasbourg are associated with the migration policy, Energy Union, as well as the equality between the women and men. The new European Commission voted a European Parliament that was headed by Jean-Claude Juncker. The head of the Bulgarian delegation in the European People’s Party, which is also a Deputy Chairperson of the EPP at the EU Parliament Maria Gabriel informed Juncker on several challenges that concern Bulgaria.

Among the most important topics that were discussed were also the support that Romania and Bulgaria search for in connection with the accession of Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen area and the possible free movement of people.

Among these challenges was the consistency between home and foreign policy, as well as the coordination and solidarity between the EU member states. The Deputy Chairperson of the EPP at the EU Parliament Maria Gabriel further stressed out the necessity of a comprehensive approach of the EU Commission on migration. The Deputy Chairperson made a statement according to which there must be a real migration diplomacy to be based on cooperation with the countries of transit and the enhanced dialog, especially between the countries of the southern Mediterranean. The importance of smart visa policy was further stressed in order to support objectives of the EU.

Among the most important topics that were discussed were also the support that Romania and Bulgaria search for in connection with the accession of Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen area and the possible free movement of people.

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The new German Ambassador in Bulgaria met by the new Foreign Minister

Mina Boycheva 10/09/2014

In the middle of August, a few days after he received his new post, the Foreign Minister of Bulgaria Daniel Mitov met the new German Ambassador in Bulgaria Detlef Lingeman. At the meeting, the Foreign Minister described Germany as a very important strategic and economic partner. The minister confirmed the good relations of the two countries and expressed their will to cooperate.

The Foreign Minister of Bulgaria Daniel Mitov stressed the need for a common EU energy strategy and gas supply sources diversification. He also pointed out to new German Ambassador that Bulgaria expects a positive comments and support from Germany for its Schengen accession bid.

The new German Ambassador in Bulgaria said that there are many Bulgarian nationals who are living and working in Germany and that his country is appreciative of their contribution to the economy of Germany. The Ambassador further stated that there is a great potential in the sphere of the investments. The two politicians also discussed the priority goals on the agenda of the current caretaker government of Bulgaria, the nomination of Kristalina Georgieva for EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, as well as for High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security.

The Foreign Minister of Bulgaria Daniel Mitov stressed the need for a common EU energy strategy and gas supply sources diversification. He also pointed out to new German Ambassador that Bulgaria expects a positive comments and support from Germany for its Schengen accession bid.

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Bulgarians happy with the EU Membership

Mina Boycheva 03/09/2014

More than 60 % of the Bulgarian citizens approve the membership of their country in the European Union. Even a greater number are the Bulgarians who appreciate their country applying for the passport free travel zone and hope the Schengen accession of Bulgaria will happen any time soon. The data was taken from a survey that was organized by the Open Society Institute – Sofia in the last days of June 2014. The people who took part in the survey said that the biggest advantage that came out of the European Union membership of Bulgaria are in increased number of job opportunities, that were followed by the option for free travelling and the access to the European Union funds.

Bulgarians that took part in the survey expressed positive views concerning the access of Bulgaria in Schengen.

Bulgarians that took part in the survey expressed positive views concerning the access of Bulgaria in Schengen. At the same time 40 % of the people that took part in the poll said that they are against the participation of Bulgaria in various sanctions against other countries. In the same survey 10 % of the people asked required harsher sanctions from the European Union towards Russia for its role in the Ukraine crises. In the same survey it became clear that 28 % people agreed that the gas pipeline South Stream has to be built only after approval from the European Commission, while 22 % said that the pipeline should be built regardless of the EC approval.

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The second-generation Information System of Schengen

Mina Boycheva 21/07/2014

The Informational System of Schengen has been introduced and operational since 1995. Ever since the specialists started working on the new system based on modern technology and with better functionalities. The new system that was set has undergone many special tests by all member states. When the internal border controls were lifted, other approaches were considered including the formation of a brand new and very modern System of Schengen or SIS II, which was adopted by the Council at the end of 2008.

Bulgaria, aiming to become a member of the Schengen passport free travel zone, has joined and uses the Schengen Information System since November 2010.

Bulgaria, aiming to become a member of the Schengen passport free travel zone, has joined and uses the Schengen Information System since November 2010. Ever since that, the local authorities have the right and could enter and update the information, as well as take the necessary actions to register all activities associated with signals coming from other countries in the Schengen zone. Once Bulgaria becomes a full member of the Schengen agreement, it will be able to register in the system signals that concern third parties too.

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Bulgaria will accept the short-stay transit visas issued by Croatia, Cyprus and Romania

Mina Boycheva 18/07/2014

The government of Bulgaria took a decision, according to which by the date Bulgaria does become a member of the Schengen area with full rights, the country will recognize and accept as equal to the national visas all permits and visas for stay that are issued by Croatia, Romania and Cyprus. This will be done for the purposes of the short-term stays and transit trips. The information was announced by the Bulgarian government press service. Bulgaria hopes to become a member of the Schengen agreement. The country is supported by the Italian Ambassador, as the country has now gained the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months in the period July – December 2014.

The government of Bulgaria took a decision, according to which by the date Bulgaria does become a member of the Schengen area with full rights, the country will recognize and accept as equal to the national visas all permits and visas for stay that are issued by Croatia, Romania and Cyprus.

According to the accepted decision of the Bulgarian government, people who have the necessary documents will be welcome to Bulgaria and stay for a period of up to 90 days with no need of Bulgarian visa for a short stay. Bulgaria expects to attract the attention of the foreign travelers and business people who have Schengen visas and special permits of stay that are issued by the member states of the European Union.

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Bulgaria supported for Schengen by the Italian Ambassador

Mina Boycheva 11/07/2014

Bulgaria was recently supported by the Italian Ambassador in the country – Mr. Marco Conticelli. The Ambassador declared his support concerning Bulgaria’s bid to enter the Schengen zone. He expressed his hopes for this entry to happen during the period of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Italy will be in charge of the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months in the period July – December 2014.

Bulgaria was recently supported by the Italian Ambassador in the country – Mr. Marco Conticelli. The Ambassador declared his support concerning Bulgaria’s bid to enter the Schengen zone.

In a recent interview given for the Bulgarian National Radio, the Ambassador of Italy in Bulgaria stated that both Romania and Bulgaria are ready to join the Schengen Area. The Ambassador declared that Italy will support the bid of Bulgaria to enter the Schengen zone along with the bid of Romania. He confirmed that the bid to enter the Schengen zone of Bulgaria and Romania will be in the agenda during the meeting and the debates of the foreign ministers of the EU countries. If they achieve a consensus decision, the two Romania and Bulgaria will enter the Schengen travel free zone. Yet, there are many Schengen member countries that oppose the abolition of the internal border control as Bulgaria has shown poor results concerning the spheres of home affairs and justice.

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The Schengen Information System used in Bulgaria too

Mina Boycheva 04/07/2014

Bulgaria is prepared to become a member of the travel free territory of the Schengen agreement as the country has taken all the necessary measures including the application and usage of the Schengen Information System. Thank to this mechanism, the judicial authorities and the national border control of the different countries can collect information on the objects and persons.

Bulgaria hopes to become a member state of the Schengen zone and with that to supply the necessary information to the system through the national networks that are connected to the central system.

Bulgaria hopes to become a member state of the Schengen zone and with that to supply the necessary information to the system through the national networks that are connected to the central system. It is important to mention that the Schengen area is within the institutional and the legal framework of the European Union. Due to that it comes under the judicial and the parliamentary scrutiny, encouraging the free movement of people as well as the parliamentary control.

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