Category: blog

Bulgaria with all Schengen requirements met

Mina Boycheva 15/06/2015

Eva Paunova, MEP from the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria Group said in an interview at Focus News Agency that Bulgaria has a stable government and working reforms. On a conference under the motto ‘My Dream for Bulgaria’ she further stated that Bulgaria has met all the requirements needed for its accession at the Schengen zone. She further stated that the country is in the position to change for better very fast if only all the politicians in Bulgaria work in the same direction and allow the reforms to happen.

Bulgaria with all Schengen requirements met

In connection with the possible accession of Bulgaria into the Schengen area, MEP Eva Paunova stated that keeping in mind the current situation, Europe needs good security. She also stated that the entry of Bulgaria into the passport free Schengen zone should be a matter of national priority since Bulgaria is a worthy member state of the European Union.

Bulgaria today is seen as a prestigious country with well-educated young people, trained to use the modern technologies. Besides that Bulgaria is a country with very good education and healthcare systems.

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Comparing the Sofia Office Rental Levels

Mina Boycheva 12/06/2015

Companies that are looking to outsource their business are often asking for a formula which with to compare the office rentals in Sofia. In case we take two office buildings with the same rental levels per sq.m but different service charge per month, we will assume that the building with the lower service charge is the better one and the one to be taken. But maybe we will be wrong. Before making a decision we should check what is included in the service charge.

One way to compare the rental levels of Sofia Offices and the charges that apply is the method of the open book. This method is based on the fees paid during the 12 months of the previous years and such sum is taken as a base sum for each month. The open book rental contracts usually enumerate all the expenditures – security service, technical support, landscaping, video surveillance, etc. Other issues that have to be taken into account include how often that Sofia office in particular is being cleaned.

The companies which are willing to outsource their business in Sofia should be aware of the service charge and of the utility charges. The service charge includes the expenditures made for the proper functioning of the building. They include facility management, security service, technical support, building taxes, etc. The utility expenses include electricity bills, water bills, heating / air-conditioning bills, etc.

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Bulgaria Already Acts Like a Schengen Country

Mina Boycheva 12/06/2015

In an interview for a well-known media, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov was asked about how close the country is to Schengen. He stated that Bulgaria in fact already functions as a Schengen country and as we have we met the criteria and are doing well as an external border of the EU we deserve at least for the air borders to be opened.

Bulgaria Already Acts Like a Schengen Country

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the German Foreign Minister is looking favorably on the attempt of Bulgaria to become part of the Schengen Information System. The German Minister further stated that the Schengen zone would require full and adequate information on the movement of people from their countries and borders in order to block people that do not have the required passports to enter the Schengen zone. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Daniel Mitov stated that his German colleague was committed to bring the issue before the Interior Minister of Germany.

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Luxurious Sofia Offices: Not Many Available

Mina Boycheva 08/06/2015

The Sofia offices of the highest class A, which are on demand by so many of the international companies that are outsourcing their business to Bulgaria, are not many in number. At the same time new first class office buildings in Sofia are not planned. That is why finding a suitable office in Sofia with all the facilities is not easy. The main search is for office of class A in Sofia and not for offices of any kind. Yet Sofia office buildings of class A that are in good locations come with almost no supply.

The Sofia offices of the highest class A, which are on demand by so many of the international companies that are outsourcing their business to Bulgaria, are not many in number.

Sofia is yet among the most sought after destinations for outsourcing of the business. That is so, since the costs for renting and office in Sofia and paying for all the expenditures is quite low. It should also be mentioned that the number of skilled professionals is also impressive and that all of them are fluent at least one foreign language.

The offices of class A in Sofia that come with prime location are usually sought by companies from the high-tech sectors and the outsourcing sectors. The rental levels of the prime Sofia offices are between 13 and 15 Euros per square meter per month. For 2015 are expected to be released only three new buildings of the highest class A that met the highest standards. That is why there is an expectation for the rental levels of Sofia offices to go up.

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Bulgarian PM: All Politicians will do their Best for Schengen accession

Mina Boycheva 08/06/2015

The Prime Minister of Bulgaria is convinced that both the rightists and the leftists politicians in the country are doing their best for the accession of Bulgaria in the Schengen zone. According to the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, the country is very close to getting into the passport-free travel zone.

Bulgarian Politicians will do their Best for Schengen accession

During his meeting with the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in March, the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov gave a press conference, where he confirmed that he has explained to his colleague all the efforts made and further undertook the engagement to provide help in the realization of the gas projects.

The Prime Minister Boyko Borisov stated that Bulgaria has highly qualified labour force. He also stated that thanks to some great efforts from all parties there is a good political stability in Bulgaria.

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Sofia office market: awaken since the start of 2015

Mina Boycheva 05/06/2015

The real estate market for the commercial and the office buildings in Bulgaria is showing quite an excitement since the beginning of this year. According to the real estate experts, the investors are looking towards offices and commercial properties as a result of the accelerated recovery of these markets that became effective last year. In 2014 assets that are worth 239 million Euros have changed their owners and most of the transactions were related to financial restructuring of the debts.

The office market: awaken since the start of 2015

Since year 2014 and until that moment has been noticed a serious and lasting recovery on the Sofia office market with a growth of more than 40% in the acquired areas compared to the year before that. The offices in Sofia that were rented or purchased were over 154 000 sq. m, which is almost 30% up than the office premises in Sofia that were rented or sold two years ago. Currently the main engine that drives that need is the interest towards the offices of class A, which have easy to reach and very communicative locations, as well as all facilities that are required by the expanding international companies.

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Germany in Favor of the Schengen Entry Talks

Mina Boycheva 05/06/2015

Upon visiting Sofia in the early spring, the German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier stated that Germany is open to talks on allowing Romania and Bulgaria to enter the passport-free travel zone of Schengen. The foreign minister further stated that the two countries have been members of the European Union since 2007 and have sought for a positive Schengen status ever since 2011. Until now that has gone with no success.

Germany in Favor of the Schengen Entry Talks for Bulgaria and Romania

In one of his last visits to Romania, the president of Bulgaria Mr. Rosen Plevneliev also commented on the important control that Bulgaria offers as part of the external border of the European Union. The efforts of the country were stated to be very good, better than the efforts of many other European Union countries that are already members of the Schengen zone.

According to the President Rosen Plevneliev, Romania being with the new president Klaus Iohannis has made a serious progress in her fight against the corruption. He also said that Bulgaria has to catch up in that aspect. The founding nations of the European Union such as France and the Netherlands have urged Romania and Bulgaria to be stricter about tackling the corruption and securing their borders, before they join the Schengen zone.

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Sofia Offices Rental Levels Expected to Go Up

Mina Boycheva 24/04/2015

The prognosis for 2015 made by almost all realtors working on the Sofia office rental market are for increased rental levels. According to the real estate agents from different consulting companies, the offices of the highest class A will be offered for rent at approximately 13 Euro/sq.m. Even if being the most expensive ones, these Sofia offices of the highest class A are still the ones in greatest demand due to their amenities and efficiency indicators.

The prognosis for 2015 made by almost all realtors working on the Sofia office rental market are for increased rental levels.

The data provided by the realtors reveals that the large office buildings in Sofia only 4 % of the office premises are still available. It should also be noted that large offices in Sofia with more than 2000 sq.m are extremely hard to find. The prognoses for 2015 that concern the office market in Sofia are for an increased demand for office premises of the highest class A. The companies that show strongest interest towards the office market come from the outsourcing and the IT sphere.

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The Schengen Accession of Bulgaria With a National Campaign

Mina Boycheva 24/04/2015

In the beginning of March Bulgaria launched a national campaign in support of its accession in Schengen. According the Deputy Prime Minister for European Policies Coordination and Institutional Affairs Meglena Kuneva, the accession of the country in the travel free Schengen zone should become a national task. Bulgarians should be aware that Schengen is a synonym of security, economy and prestige.

Bulgaria in Schengen. It’s Time!

The joint efforts of the Deputy PM, the Justice Minister and the Culture Minister resulted in the campaign “Bulgaria in Schengen. It’s Time!” The campaign was opened at the Archeology Museum in Sofia. In the video it is stated that the double standard concerning Bulgaria’s accession in the Schengen area is unacceptable.

The video comes in several language versions and presents Bulgarians from all spheres of life, smiling, with the national flag in the background. Upon launching the national campaign, the Deputy Prime Minister stated that the accession of Bulgaria into the Schengen zone will become a fact when the public opinion on that matter is united.

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Sofia Offices Attractive for the Investors

Mina Boycheva 17/04/2015

The realtors today often speak about interest towards the Sofia office market and increased number of the investors, mainly large international companies looking to outsource their business. In general the Sofia office market goes through lasting period of recovery and faces a positive trend ahead. The share of the vacant office premises in Sofia has fallen with nearly 30 % in the last quarter of 2013 to 26 % for the last quarter of 2014. That is so due to the strong interest towards the office premises of class A and the expansion of the international companies which have decided to outsource their business in Sofia.

The rental levels of the Sofia offices vary between 10.5 and 13.5 Euro/sq.m. and the number of available office premises is dropping down.

The rental levels of the Sofia offices vary between 10.5 and 13.5 Euro/sq.m. and the number of available office premises is dropping down. The investments in office buildings for 2014 have increased and many office projects that were postponed are now being restarted. Bulgaria and its capital Sofia is now only provoking the interest of the companies that wish to start a business in the area but are also managing to keep that interest, which is expected to bring many new investments.

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