Yearly Archives: 2015

Decreased Number of Completed Sofia Offices for 2014

Mina Boycheva 03/04/2015

The number of the completed Sofia Offices for year 2014 has significantly decreased compared to the year before that. The share of the vacant office premises has fallen to 15 %, according to a report issued by MBL CBRE. In 2014 only 36 000 sq.m of office premises in Sofia have received permissions for usage. This is almost half the number of the completed office sq.m for 2013.

The decline was a result from the several years of crisis, when the demand for offices for rent has seriously reduced and the number of investments in the segment has been low. In the past two years however, there is a steady growth in demand for prime offices in Sofia. That is so, as many companies are now either expanding or entering the Sofia office market. These companies come mainly from the IT industry and the outsourcing sector.

The share of the vacant offices in 2014 has dropped with 33 000 sq.m and now they are approximately 250 000 sq.m.

According to the analysis of MBL CBRE, the office market in Sofia resulted in 88 000 sq.m of rented new office premises. The share of the vacant offices in 2014 has dropped with 33 000 sq.m and now they are approximately 250 000 sq.m. In other words, at the end of 2014, the available offices of class A and B in the capital Sofia were 15.4%.

Currently the most sought after are the business buildings in Sofia that come with open floor plan, high class equipment, quality construction and good location outside the central city areas. The driving force of the office market continues to be the large companies from the IT and the outsourcing sector. The rental levels of the Sofia offices from class A vary from 10.5 to 13.5 Euro per sq.m.

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Bulgaria Implementing the EU Commitments, Ready for Schengen

Mina Boycheva 03/04/2015

The Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva took part in the General Affairs Council in Brussels in the middle of February. During the meeting she insisted that the usage of the Schengen accession in order to pressure Bulgaria into fulfilling the EU obligations it has in the spheres of home affairs and justice is not productive.

Meglena Kuneva stated that the European Union border countries, which are located near turbulent regions should not be deprived from the security measures offered by the Schengen Area. The Deputy Prime Minister informed the participants in the General Affairs Council in Brussels that Bulgaria is implementing the EU commitments it made, adopting the judicial reform strategy, preparing the administrative reform plan at the Interior Ministry and also drafting the anti-corruption plan.

Тhe accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen Area would be very beneficial to the overall security of the EU.

According to Meglena Kuneva, the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen Area would be very beneficial to the overall security of the EU. The Deputy Prime Minister stated that the country has met the criteria of Schengen and is supposed to take advantage of the benefits that the membership in Schengen provides in terms of security.

Bulgaria has already taken all measures for strengthening the EU framework in order to combat terrorism including exchange of information with Europol, adopting the EU Directive on airline passenger data, as well as preventing the illegal arms traffic, etc.

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Sofia Offices: Migration Outside the City Center

Mina Boycheva 27/03/2015

Those companies that are looking for offices in Sofia are now more interested in the offices that are outside the city center. In fact, the real estate agents are talking about migration from the center of Sofia city to the new office buildings in the districts near the ring road of the Bulgarian capital. According to the experts that is a tendency in the Sofia office market that has started in 2014 and is expected to continue in 2015. It seems that the outsourcing companies that are moving to Sofia plan to stay away from the center noise and busy traffic, the expensive parking in the blue and green zones, etc.

Several office buildings in Sofia are planned for completion soon, all located outside the city center. The office premises that are available there are offered at 12 Euro/sq.m.

Several office buildings in Sofia are planned for completion soon, all located outside the city center. The office premises that are available there are offered at 12 Euro/sq.m. These are offices of the highest class A, characterized by comfort, convenience and numerous amenities and extras. The main companies that are looking for such premises are coming from the IT and the outsourcing industries. These companies are interested in the Sofia office centers Q-center, Imperia Online, Infinity Towers, Mega Park, Serdika Offices, etc. The rental levels that are valid are around 12 Euro/sq.m.

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Bulgaria to be supported for Schengen by Latvia

Mina Boycheva 27/03/2015

In the beginning of last month Latvia announced that it will support Romania and Bulgaria in their efforts to enter the Schengen zone. Ilgvars Klava, the Latvian Ambassador presented the priorities of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. That happened in front of the National Assembly's Foreign Policy and European Affairs, as well as in front of the European Funds Control committees.

Bulgaria to be supported for Schengen by Latvia

According to the Latvian Ambassador, the priorities of the Latvian Presidency include competitive, digital and engaged Europe. During the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union will be organized more than 200 events including high-level political meetings, Eastern Partnership Summit and various related meetings. In addition will be organized 10 informal meetings of EU Ministers and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) of Ministers for Education. There are also plans for the organization of a Social Partners Forum, a Digital Agenda Assembly, an European Conference on Standardisation, an eHealth Week and so on.

According to the National Assembly Chair of Bulgaria there are three important points for Bulgaria – Latvia's support for Bulgaria's accession to the Schengen area, the focus on the improvement of the EU competitiveness aiming to achieve an economic growth and the fact that the Latvian Presidency supports the establishment of an European Energy Union.

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Bulgaria No 1 Outsourcing Destination in Europe

Mina Boycheva 24/03/2015

The consulting company Cushman & Wakefield had recently presented a detailed global report discussing the most popular outsourcing destinations in the world. The report named “Where in the World? Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) & Shared Service Location Index” evaluates factors that are supposed to effect the successful operations of the different companies around the globe.

The report
The Cushman & Wakefield report ranks the best outsourcing locations around the world, assessing the risks, the costs, and the operating conditions. The report covers 36 markets all over world and is based on companies from the business process outsourcing services. According to that report Bulgaria makes it to the top place as the best outsourcing destination in Europe and reaches the third place on the global scale right after Vietnam and the Philippines. Compared to the report from last year, Bulgaria has made a record leap going 11 positions up the outsourcing ladder. The country is followed by Romania.

Bulgaria No 1 Outsourcing Destination in Europe

Risk, cost and conditions are the main key factors to be considered when ranking countries.
The key factors mentioned by the consultants when evaluating Bulgaria were the low taxes and the availability of affordable and highly-qualified workforce for the needs of the outsourcing companies. Annually in Bulgaria graduate around 60 000 graduates and in half of the cases the graduates have the necessary major and knowledge that is suitable for the sector services. Another key skill for the outsourcing business is the excellent knowledge of foreign languages. In fact 98 % of all students in Bulgaria who are enrolled in secondary school study a foreign language and 73 % study at least two foreign languages.

The rented Sofia offices
During the last few years, all markets around the world had gone through economic turbulence and many companies had to experience challenging situations. The global recession, followed by the debt crisis concerns in the Eurozone, as well as the unstable political situation brought many risks to all business sectors. Well-established within the outsourcing market, Bulgaria enjoyed an upward trend in the office rental market thanks to the outsourcing companies moving to Bulgaria and particularly to the capital Sofia. In 2014 the office space in Sofia that was rented reached 154 000 sq.m. These results have been valid on the office market in Sofia back in 2007, in the pre-crisis period.

Last year 49% of the rental market deals in the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia, have been signed with growing eco-companies from the outsourcing and from the IT sectors. According to the prognosis of the real estate agents, that growth will continue and will further be transferred outside the borders of Sofia. The realtors expect strong demand for suitable office space in other large cities of the country such as Plovdiv, Bourgas and Varna.

The Employees

Currently more than 25 000 people work in the outsourcing sphere in Bulgaria. The starting salary in the sector is around 1500 BGN, yet the experienced professionals get a monthly paycheck of 4 000 BGN. Since there is a demand for young and talented people, the outsourcing companies are even eager to pay bonuses of 250 BGN to their employees who bring new people in the office. Most often the companies that are outsourcing their business to Bulgaria work in the sphere of maintenance, programming, optimization of business processes, high technology.

Europe vs Asia
Resulting from the stagnant economies and labor markets in Europe, the difference between Europe and Asia as outsourcing destinations is melting. At the same time there are fears that some large Asian markets such as China and India, will soon overheat and start asking for a high cost of labor.

Despite all that however, the largest market worldwide for outsourcing services is still India even if it remains at 20th position in the ranking.

The Global Trends for the Outsourcing Sphere for 2015
• Costs: Rising inflation, labor and property costs in established outsourcing destinations (China and India) add to the attractiveness of the emerging locations.
• Value creation: The outsourcing providers start looking beyond the cost reduction and focus on customer care optimization and innovations.
• Outsourcing service provisions: The companies offering outsourcing services are now providing a combination of vertical solutions (such as health payer business processing, claims processing, and loan portfolio management) with horizontal solutions (such as HR, payroll, and supply chain management) in order to provide effective BPO strategies.
• Language proficiency: Very important aspect of the outsourcing destinations. Companies are looking for outsourcing countries where the employers are well educated and have multiple language skills.

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Sofia Offices near Sofia Airport

Mina Boycheva 20/03/2015

The real estate agents have noticed an increased interest towards the Sofia office premises located near Sofia International Airport. The number of companies that chose to rent offices in that location is growing – back in year 2013 were rented 101 000 sq.m of office premises there, followed by 112 000 sq.m of Sofia offices rented in 2014. The interest shown is for high class Sofia offices, but also for industrial and trade premises.

The companies that show interest towards the office premises near Sofia Airport are coming from all over Europe and the United States.

Due to the lack of new office centers in process of construction in the recent years, the number of the available offices near Sofia Airport is quite reduced. Currently the available offices of the highest class in Sofia are only 4 %, based on the ten most sought after business centers of the city. The rental levels in these business centers are around 12 Euro/sq.m. Such are the rental prices of the office premises in Business Center Europe, as well as in the Business Center MegaPark and in the European Trace Center along “Tsarigradsko Schousse” Blvd. near the trade zone The Mall.

The companies that show interest towards the office premises near Sofia Airport are coming from all over Europe and the United States. These companies are operating in the sphere of the financial services including banks, pension funds, insurance companies, etc. The area around Sofia Airport is also suitable for warehouses and logistic bases, which is suitable for companies that require such premises plus offices.

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Bulgaria in Schengen is a Matter of Security

Mina Boycheva 20/03/2015

In February the Deputy PM of Bulgaria spoke at a press conference of the Bulgaria of the Citizens Movement leadership’s meeting. There she stated that the presence of Bulgaria in the Schengen area is not only of great importance, but is also a matter of security. According to her, in case the position of Bulgaria is changed and it is accessed in the travel free borderless area of Schengen, in that case that will be a matter of security to the country and to the European territory in general.

The Deputy PM of Bulgaria said that she understands the wish for the rest of the countries in the Schengen zone to give us a push to do our job faster, yet they need to use another tool and not Schengen, as that is not appropriate now.

Ms. Meglena Kuneva further stated that she understands why Bulgaria is being kept outside of the Schengen zone and that the country has issues according to the CVM reports, which concern the field of justice and the home affairs. The Deputy PM of Bulgaria said that she understands the wish for the rest of the countries in the Schengen zone to give us a push to do our job faster, yet they need to use another tool and not Schengen, as that is not appropriate now.

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Lack of Suitable Sofia Offices for the Call Centers

Mina Boycheva 13/03/2015

The companies that are trying to relocate or outsource their business to Sofia and work in the service and support sphere noticed a lack of office premises that are suitable for call centers. According to the real estate experts there are not many suitable office buildings for the companies that are willing to outsource their business. The real estate companies expect the interest towards Bulgaria and Sofia in particular as an outsourcing destination to grow in 2015. This means that there will be a great demand for high-quality office premises of class A with all facilities needed. The companies are expected to look for larger offices, positioned in good locations with easy access from all parts of the city. That is so, as the nice and comfortable offices are part of the general offer that managers get when recruited for the job.

Currently, the capital Sofia has available premises of the highest class A in ten of the projects amounts to only 7.5 %.

Currently, the capital Sofia has available premises of the highest class A in ten of the projects amounts to only 7.5 %. The real estate agents believe that some 100 000 sq.m of office premises are to be offered on the market in 2015, in case the office building projects are done in time. Most of the companies in the outsourcing sphere are not buying but just renting the office premises in Sofia that they need. That is why the rental levels in the capital are stable and are around 12 Euro/sq.m. for the office of the highest class A and 8 Euro/sq.m for the offices of class B.

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Germany will back Bulgaria for its EU Presidency in 2018

Mina Boycheva 13/03/2015

In the end of January the Bulgarian Interior Minister met with the German Internal Affairs Minister Thomas de Maizière. The meeting was part of the informal Justice and Home Affairs Council held which was organized in Riga, Latvia. The talks were organized in a constructive and open atmosphere, during which the cooperation between the two countries in the field of the home affairs was highly evaluated. The two countries evaluated their cooperation highly and expressed their readiness in the strengthening of that cooperation.

Germany stated that it will back up Bulgaria in its preparation for the EU Presidency planned in 2018.

Germany stated that it will back up Bulgaria in its preparation for the EU Presidency planned in 2018. The Bulgarian minister informed the German Internal Affairs Minister about the current political situation in Bulgaria and which actions are to be taken in terms of the reform in the security sector and the judicial system. The Bulgarian government was encouraged by the Minister Maizière to continue with the reforms that are going on in order to achieve concrete measures that will bring visible results. The two ministers also discussed the Schengen bid of Bulgaria and the migration pressure. The German minister was also invited by his counterpart to visit Bulgaria.

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Sofia Offices Rental Levels Among the Lowest in EU

Mina Boycheva 10/03/2015

The real estate agents have recently stated that the rental levels of the Sofia Offices are among the lowest in the European Union. At the same time, the number of the available luxurious offices is strongly reduced. The main demand for offices of the highest class A in Sofia comes from the outsourcing companies. That is so as almost all prime office buildings in Sofia are almost 100 % occupied.

Since the beginning of 2015 there is almost no offices available in business buildings of class A, placed in good locations. The international companies are willing to relocate to Sofia city to make business thanks to many reasons. Among these reasons are the low costs for offices and the highly-qualified professionals that can work in the IT and in the outsourcing sphere.

In the entire European Union Bulgaria seems to be the most affordable office destination. That is so as the available offices of class A in Sofia could be rented between 13-15 Euro/sq.m. In case the demand for such offices increases, that will lead to increase in the rental levels, which however will not be significant. Currently, the number of the available high-quality office premises in Sofia is not sufficient for all the international companies that are willing to relocate their business to Bulgaria.

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