Intention for Romania and Bulgaria Schengen entrance

Mina Boycheva 19/06/2015

In an interview with the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) in April, the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov said that there is an intention for Romania and Bulgaria to be given a horizon for entering the Schengen area. According to the minister the negotiation about the entering of Romania and Bulgaria into the Schengen zone is a matter of diplomacy. There are several aspects concerning that. One of the most important is the fact that Bulgaria is the external border of the European Union and thus Bulgaria has to have full entrance to the Schengen Information System in order to be fully efficient. If not the country cannot conduct the fight in an efficient way.

Bulgaria has to have full entrance to the Schengen Information System in order to be fully efficient.

Another fact that the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov stated is that all reports that concern Romania and Bulgaria show certain progress. This means that there have been only positive reports. Yet, no serious developments on the accession issue are in progress. Still, there are positive signals about the intention of the other members of the Schengen zone to start certain allowance of the two countries membership in Schengen, starting at lifting the air borders.

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