Is now the Schengen entry a long-term goal for Bulgaria?

Mina Boycheva 21/02/2014

After several years of preparations and hopes, on 20th January this year Bulgaria admitted that its entry into the passport free travel zone of Schengen will most probably take place in three or four years period. According to information provided by the Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, the country is invited and is expected to enter the borderless Schengen area in 2017 or 2018, when the country will also take over the rotating Council presidency of the European Union. The Minister of Foreign affairs said that he expects the decision which concerns the bid of Bulgaria to be taken in 2014. The minister hopes that the air borders of the country to open in 2015, followed by opening of the land borders in 2017. This means that Bulgaria is expected to become a full member of the Schengen area by 2018. This plan for Bulgaria to enter Schengen is seen by the minister as realistic.

After several years of preparations and hopes, on 20th January this year Bulgaria admitted that its entry into the passport free travel zone of Schengen will most probably take place in three or four years period.

In 2007 Bulgaria joined the European Union and three years later the country was technically ready to join the travel free zone of Schengen. Actually, the country hoped to enter the Schengen agreement in 2011. Unfortunately for Bulgaria, several of the founding members of the Schengen agreement, in particular Germany and the Netherlands, opposed to the newcomers in the face of Bulgaria and Romania and they have successfully used their veto on several occasions.

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