Sofia Office Market – the Rental Price is a Leading Factor, But the Location and the Quality are also Important

Mina Boycheva 11/11/2016

The real estate agents are facing an improvement on the office market situation in Sofia in the last couple of years. This means increased demand for offices and reduced number of available offices spaces, as well as increased expenses for the tenant companies and less options on the labor force market. At the same time the companies have higher requirements concerning the Sofia offices they want to move in.

Sofia Office Market – the Rental Price is a Leading Factor, But the Location and the Quality are also Important

The companies do consider the rental price when they are searching for a new office to relocate and that rental price is the main factor that leads them. However, the companies are now also considering the location of the working area and the quality of the building and the facilities and services offered. Most of the companies who are working in Bulgaria or have outsourced their businesses to Sofia and the other big cities in the country plan to develop and in fact grow with 25 % and more, renting bigger and more spacious offices.

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