
Schengen bid of Bulgaria decided next year

Mina Boycheva 25/04/2013

The Schengen bids for the entry of Bulgaria and Romania will not be decided upon by the end of 2013. This information was offered by a diplomatic source that comes from the European Union Council, as announced. The information was presented to the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency. According to the source, the expansion of the Schengen zone is now a political issue and that is why there will be no decision in the near future. The meeting in early March of the Justice and Home Affairs Council resulted only in ten countries supporting the accession of Bulgaria.

Bulgaria was blocked from an entry in the Schengen zone by three of the powerful member states, namely Germany, The Netherlands and France.

Bulgaria was blocked from an entry in the Schengen zone by three of the powerful member states, namely Germany, The Netherlands and France. That is why the diplomatic source said in front of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency at the end of last week that consensus will be very difficult to be achieved. Actually, the source also stated that many countries that are members of the no border travel Schengen zone are quite skeptical about its expansion. According to the same source, the bid of Bulgaria to enter the Schengen zone will not be considered soon and the entire situation will not change for the country, even if the European Commission reports in the end of the year are positive.

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Slight but constant increase in the rental of Sofia offices

Mina Boycheva 22/04/2013

In the last two years there is slight, but constant increase in the rental of offices in Sofia city. In year 2011 for example the percentage of the available office premises was 28 %, which marks a drop of 10 % if compared to the available office premises in 2012 which were 18 %. In other words, the available Sofia office premises are being rented on a stable and constant basis. This optimistic information is actually a really good news for both the business and the Bulgarian economy in general. The new office tenants are looking for bigger and better offices. This is valid both for the local companies and for the international companies that are setting foot in the country.

Many of the of the new office buildings and business centers were constructed for the specific needs of the companies that will use them – a new trend that is expected to become a standard.

This is a solid tendency since the rental of offices in Sofia is going up with 10 % each year. Currently, the office market in Sofia city is quite stable. The demand and the supply of office premises has reached a balance. In 2012 the completed office buildings offered 140 000 sq.m, while in 2013 the prognosis are for 81 000 sq.m. Many of the of the new office buildings and business centers were constructed for the specific needs of the companies that will use them – a new trend that is expected to become a standard.

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Hope for Schengen entry at the end of the year

Mina Boycheva 22/04/2013

Leading European newspapers commented on the announcement of the Interior Minister of Germany Mr. Hans Peter Friedrich, who stated in March that Bulgaria and its neighboring country Romania are not ready to enter the Schengen zone. According to the minister, there is a possibility for the abolishing of the borders on several stages with the first borders to be removed to be the air and the sea borders. At the same time, the entry of Bulgaria and Romania in the Schengen zone was supported by the European Committee. Even so, with the rejection from Germany and the Netherlands, the membership was postponed at least until the end of the year and the new reports about the progress of the two countries.

The reaction of the German Interior Minister was provoked by the invasion of immigrants from the two Balkan countries, mainly from the Roman origin, who visit the country for social tourism purposes.

The reaction of the German Interior Minister was provoked by the invasion of immigrants from the two Balkan countries, mainly from the Roman origin, who visit the country for social tourism purposes. They also pointed out problems with the corruption and the legislation system. At the end of the year, after the new reports for the countries progress is issued, there will be new discussions about the application for an entry in the Schengen zone. Most probably however, the application of Bulgaria and its neighboring country Romania will be discussed in the first months of the next year.

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The business is looking for larger offices in Sofia

Mina Boycheva 19/04/2013

The business companies in Sofia are looking for better and more spacious office premises. Currently, the capital of Bulgaria ranks last in Eastern Europe as far as the rental levels of offices are concerned. This means that companies find it affordable to open offices in Sofia city. These are usually international companies that want to organize their business in a new way or companies that are willing to outsource certain activities from their portfolio to other destinations such as Sofia city where they can find many professionals and where the level of wages is below the one they are accustomed to pay at their home country. The companies that are most active on the market come from the business outsourcing sphere, the call centers, the software and the pharmaceutical companies, as well as some international trading companies.

The tendency for the office complexes of the highest class is for almost full rental of the offered business premises.

The tendency for the office complexes of the highest class is for almost full rental of the offered business premises. The truth is that the international companies, as well as the large Bulgarian companies are choosing from a limited number of top office buildings in Sofia. Even the smaller companies are still looking to rent an office premise in the modern business centers of Sofia. This is the reason why the number of the available office premises in the buildings of class A is decreasing and there are more office premises available in the office buildings of the lower class B.

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Former Prime Minister about Bulgaria being postponed for entry in the Schengen Zone

Mina Boycheva 19/04/2013

After the entry of Bulgaria in the Schengen zone that requires no passports and has no inner borders was postponed in the beginning of March, the former Prime Minister of the country, Mr. Boyko Borisov stated that the country would have been accepted if there was no inner political crisis at that moment. Mr. Borisov made that announcement on the basis of the interview that Immigration minister of the Netherlands gave for the Bulgarian National Television on 13th February. In the interview Mr. Fred Teeven said that his country is accepting Bulgaria as a partner, which is offering security and safety. He also stated that after talking with the Prime Minister at that time, Mr. Tsvetanov, he was convinced that Bulgaria is ready to become a member state of the Schengen zone.

Bulgaria’s application for an entry in the Schengen zone will most probably be discussed in late December or in the beginning of 2014, after the new official reports for the country’s progress are issued at the end of the year.

After the meeting during which the acceptance of Bulgaria was postponed, the former Prime Minister Borisov said that he finds the political situation in the country as being one of the factors that made several of the member states become uncertain about the membership of Bulgaria in the Schengen zone. The countries that he had in mind included Austria, Finland and The Netherlands, as Germany was already against the acceptance of the country at that moment. Bulgaria’s application for an entry in the Schengen zone will most probably be discussed in late December or in the beginning of 2014, after the new official reports for the country’s progress are issued at the end of the year.

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The outsourcing companies – most active tenants on the Sofia rental market

Mina Boycheva 18/04/2013

The outsourcing business processes companies and the IT companies working in the capital are the most active tenants on the Sofia rental market. Currently, they have taken one fourth of the total number of offices for rent in Sofia. The interest of these companies in towards modern office and business buildings of class A, which have parking zones and central location, that is serviced by the public transport and are easily accessible by car and on foot. Since the beginning of the year until the end of March the completed office premises reached total of 19 300 sq.m. Most of these office buildings were completed for the investors’ own needs. The rental premises in Sofi that have been rented for the first three months of the year reached 31 000 sq.m., which is a 23 % increase compared with the rented office premises in the previous three months.

The successful companies follow one basic tendency – they move to office buildings of a higher class, which have more facilities and extras and better location in Sofia city.

The successful companies follow one basic tendency – they move to office buildings of a higher class, which have more facilities and extras and better location. That is why the number of the available offices in Sofia of class A is decreasing. The available offices in the business buildings of class A have dropped with almost 2 %. The available office premises in the ten best office centers in Sofia is just 17 %. The rental levels in these top office buildings vary from 9 to 12 Euro per sq.m.

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Why was Bulgaria postponed for Schengen entry

Mina Boycheva 18/04/2013

In the beginning of March Sofia’s entry in the Schengen passport free zone was postponed. This provoked a lot of discussions, but also many questions that the politicians have to face and answer. The entry of Bulgaria was blocked by Germany, which was supported in its decision by Austria, Finland and The Netherlands. Most probably, the application of Bulgaria for an entry in the Schengen zone will be discussed again at the end of this year or most probably next year, after the new reports that will present the country’s progress were issued in December.

The entry of Bulgaria was blocked by Germany, which was supported in its decision by Austria, Finland and The Netherlands. Most probably, the application of Bulgaria for an entry in the Schengen zone will be discussed again at the end of this year or most probably next year, after the new reports that will present the country’s progress were issued in December.

The main issues that the country should fight with included the corruption problems and the problems with the organized crime. According to the chief of the Customs Agency, Bulgaria being postponed to enter the Schengen zone might have its positive side. Mr. Vanyo Tanov stated that when the country enters the passport free travel zone, there will be a huge smuggling pressure on the country’s borders. Besides, when Bulgaria finally becomes part of the Schengen area, it will have to offer material ad human resource in order to cover its obligations as a member state. According to Tanov, the economic crises in Bulgaria and in the European Union in general, as well as the lack of understanding along the countries in the zone, explain the relief that the country should feel as not becoming a member state in that very moment.

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The hottest Sofia office zone

Mina Boycheva 17/04/2013

The office market in Sofia is driven mainly by the international companies that have moved their business in the capital of Bulgaria. These companies are looking for high-quality office premises that are positioned in office and business centers of class A that are characterized with excellent characteristics, many facilities and good location that allows for an easy access. The top office buildings of the highest class in Sofia take not more than 20 % of the entire number of available office premises and their total sq.m. coverage is around 330 000 sq.m. However, these are the office premises that provoke the interest of the big companies and usually the 90 % of the office premises in the business buildings of class A are rented.

The new office centers that opened in 2012 are mainly concentrated in the eastern and southern areas of Sofia city, with the focus being set on Bulgaria Blvd.

The new office centers that opened in 2012 are mainly concentrated in the eastern and southern areas of Sofia city, with the focus being set on Bulgaria Blvd. As we have pointed out in many of our previous articles, the office buildings that provoke the attention now are the office zone of Bulgaria Bvd. With its 30 000 sq.m. of rental premises, followed by Vrtigo Business Center with it 18 000 sq.m. of area. The zone along Bulgaria Blvd. is moder and easily accessible, close to the city center and near many facilities, which increases the interest of the companies that are looking to relocate or to settle their first office in Sofia. The prognosis in front of Sofia city office market is for a stable year ahead with 12 Euro per sq.m average price for the offices in the center of Sofia and 9 Euro/sq.m for the offices in the suburbs of the city.

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Bulgaria supported by Hungary in its efforts to enter the Schengen zone

Mina Boycheva 17/04/2013

In the beginning of April, the President of Hungary Janos Adler expressed the unconditional support of his country to Bulgaria and the country’s efforts to join the Schengen zone, where the travelling does not require passports. The Hungarian President was speaking on a joint news conference which he gave with his Bulgarian colleague – the president Rosen Plevneliev. The Bulgarian President was on a two day organized official visit in the Hungarian capital Budapest.

In the beginning of April, the President of Hungary Janos Adler expressed the unconditional support of his country to Bulgaria and the country’s efforts to join the Schengen zone, where the travelling does not require passports.

As Adler said, despite the four countries that opposed Sofia entering the Schengen zone, he and his country Hungary had always supported Bulgaria in its efforts. During the same meeting, the President of Republic of Bulgaria confirmed that there should not be concerns about Bulgaria entering the Schengen zone. Mr. Plevneliev stated that there are no reasons for fear and he put a stress on the country’s willingness to take measures in order to prevent the mass migration, in case such measures are needed and necessary. During the meeting, the two presidents also discussed issues that concern the energy and the commitment of the two countries in the process of construction of the gas pipelines South Stream and Nabucco.

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The new Sofia offices projects

Mina Boycheva 16/04/2013

The office market in Sofia city will be stirred next year with three new projects that will be completed and will enter their doors for new tenant companies. The three office buildings will add approximately 100 000 sq.m. more to the already existing office premises in the capital of Bulgaria. This new office area is above the annual percentage of the square meters of offices that were completed in the years before the crises, but at the same time is below the annual level of office demand in the period of the crises. In 2014 will be fully completed the administrative centers Capital Fort on Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd, the Millennium Centre and the City Tower on Macedonia Square.

The office market in Sofia city will be stirred next year with three new projects that will be completed and will enter their doors for new tenant companies.

The supply of office space nowadays is approaching with slower steps if compared to the supply in the years before the crises, but still the number of offices provided is going up. According to the statistics, at the end of 2012 the office premises offered were 1.60 million sq.m, marking a 7 %year increase. The office premises that were completed were estimated to 108 000 sq.m., while the rented office premises for the same period were 85 000 sq.m. in total.

The main tenant on the office market remain the international companies, which are moving their offices on the territory of Bulgaria. In general these are companies from the IT sector and the pharmaceutical sector, which are looking for high-quality office premises in office buildings of class A that are easiy accessed via the public transport and feature parking zones. The real estate agents believe that the same parameters will form the office market search in 2013.

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