Schengen bid of Bulgaria decided next year

Mina Boycheva 25/04/2013

The Schengen bids for the entry of Bulgaria and Romania will not be decided upon by the end of 2013. This information was offered by a diplomatic source that comes from the European Union Council, as announced. The information was presented to the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency. According to the source, the expansion of the Schengen zone is now a political issue and that is why there will be no decision in the near future. The meeting in early March of the Justice and Home Affairs Council resulted only in ten countries supporting the accession of Bulgaria.

Bulgaria was blocked from an entry in the Schengen zone by three of the powerful member states, namely Germany, The Netherlands and France.

Bulgaria was blocked from an entry in the Schengen zone by three of the powerful member states, namely Germany, The Netherlands and France. That is why the diplomatic source said in front of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency at the end of last week that consensus will be very difficult to be achieved. Actually, the source also stated that many countries that are members of the no border travel Schengen zone are quite skeptical about its expansion. According to the same source, the bid of Bulgaria to enter the Schengen zone will not be considered soon and the entire situation will not change for the country, even if the European Commission reports in the end of the year are positive.

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