Bulgaria still far from entering the Schengen zone

Mina Boycheva 05/09/2013

According to the Dutch Ambassador Karel van Kesteren Bulgaria’s attempts to joint Schengen area will not be successful in the near future. He states that Bulgaria will enter the Schengen agreement at one point, but he is positive that this will not be soon. The Dutch Ambassador stated that the entry of Bulgaria into Schengen zone is a matter of trust and further said that the country will be ready for this new step once its politicians improve the situation in the country and unite, answering to the demonstrations in the country that are taking place for two months already. Thus, the border free Schengen zone remains a dream for the country of Bulgaria that is yet to happen, but not at that moment and not any time soon.

According to the Dutch Ambassador Karel van Kesteren Bulgaria’s attempts to joint Schengen area will not be successful in the near future. He states that Bulgaria will enter the Schengen agreement at one point, but he is positive that this will not be soon.

The Dutch Ambassador Karel van Kesteren also supported the statement made by the Ambassadors of France and Germany on the oligarchy model of the Bulgarian government – a policy that does not appeal to the European Union membership. At the end of December this year, under the Lithuanian presidency of the European Union, there will be new discussions whether Romania and Bulgaria shall enter the Schengen zone or not.

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