250 000 sq.m of New Office Premises in Sofia by 2017

Mina Boycheva 04/12/2015

The real estate agents have recently stated that around 250 000 sq.m of office premises are to enter the Sofia market by 2017. Approximately one third of these were planned to be opened until the end of this year. Serious activity is found at the projects for Sofia office buildings and many of them are under construction. The first six months of 2015 were characterized by very low levels of class A office availability in Sofia – less than 4 %.

The serious activity on the office market in Sofia is due to the great number of outsourcing companies that are moving their business to the capital of Bulgaria.

The serious activity on the office market in Sofia is due to the great number of outsourcing companies that are moving their business to the capital of Bulgaria. Most of them are international companies working in the sphere of outsourcing and in the IT sector. These companies are paying between 10.5 and 12.5 Eur/sq.m for Sofia offices of class A and another 2 to 3 Euro/sq.m for the maintenance of these offices. The expectation of the real estate agents is for these levels to remain the same at the beginning of 2016.

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