Hope for Schengen entry at the end of the year

Mina Boycheva 22/04/2013

Leading European newspapers commented on the announcement of the Interior Minister of Germany Mr. Hans Peter Friedrich, who stated in March that Bulgaria and its neighboring country Romania are not ready to enter the Schengen zone. According to the minister, there is a possibility for the abolishing of the borders on several stages with the first borders to be removed to be the air and the sea borders. At the same time, the entry of Bulgaria and Romania in the Schengen zone was supported by the European Committee. Even so, with the rejection from Germany and the Netherlands, the membership was postponed at least until the end of the year and the new reports about the progress of the two countries.

The reaction of the German Interior Minister was provoked by the invasion of immigrants from the two Balkan countries, mainly from the Roman origin, who visit the country for social tourism purposes.

The reaction of the German Interior Minister was provoked by the invasion of immigrants from the two Balkan countries, mainly from the Roman origin, who visit the country for social tourism purposes. They also pointed out problems with the corruption and the legislation system. At the end of the year, after the new reports for the countries progress is issued, there will be new discussions about the application for an entry in the Schengen zone. Most probably however, the application of Bulgaria and its neighboring country Romania will be discussed in the first months of the next year.

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