Category: blog

Bulgarian entry into Schengen dimmed by Norway

Mina Boycheva 04/10/2013

Norway declared that it is not willing to accept Bulgaria and Romania as new members of the Schengen zone. The passport-free travel area might become a mirage for Bulgaria and Romania since Norway opposed the enlargement of the Schengen agreement. This news came in August, as the two countries were preparing for the discussions in December. However, Romania and Bulgaria are technically ready for their accession. Even so, the Norwegian politicians thing that the Schengen membership should be denied as the visa-free zone will face a higher crime situation. The politicians from Norway understand that the problems are made by the Roma population from Romania and Bulgaria and not by the regular citizens, but still the issue remains.

According to the European Commission, both Bulgaria and Romania are ready to enter the Schengen zone. The two countries have followed all the requirements that were set in order to be accepted in the borderless area.

According to the European Commission, both Bulgaria and Romania are ready to enter the Schengen zone. The two countries have followed all the requirements that were set in order to be accepted in the borderless area. Currently Norway, the Netherlands and some of the other older members of the European Union are not willing to accept Romania and Bulgaria as new members of the Schengen zone. Their position is based on the grounds of corruption, lack of progress that concerns the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism and poor border control.

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Interest towards Sofia offices in the suburbs of the city

Mina Boycheva 25/09/2013

Companies that are making business in the city of Sofia or are outsourcing their activities to the Bulgarian capital are open to the alternative office locations. A few years ago many of the companies in Sofia were eager to find a good office in the very center of the city. Today things have changed and most of these companies are looking to relocate their offices to alternative regions of Sofia. Many companies are looking for office space between 300 and 600 sq.m. and are in search of modern facilities, extras and good infrastructure. The big international companies that want to open an office in Sofia are looking for even larger office premises, especially if they come from the sectors of telecommunication, financial services and internet technologies.

Companies that are making business in the city of Sofia or are outsourcing their activities to the Bulgarian capital are open to the alternative office locations. A few years ago many of the companies in Sofia were eager to find a good office in the very center of the city. Today things have changed and most of these companies are looking to relocate their offices to alternative regions of Sofia.

In general, the managers of the companies in Sofia no matter if these are smaller local companies or bigger international companies, are looking to secure a better working environment to their employees. That is why they show interest in the office buildings of class A in Sofia, which have good location with excellent infrastructure, access to metro station and other means of public transport. The popular destinations for offices in Sofia now include Mladost 4 region with the Business Center there, Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd., Bulgaria Blvd. and Todor Alexandrov Blvd. Currently, the real estate agencies see a room for reasonable projects for office buildings with modern but not extravagant architecture and required extras.

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Schengen zone and the passport validity new rules

Mina Boycheva 25/09/2013

A new requirement has been introduced by all countries that are member states of the Schengen Area. According to that requirement, people that are coming from countries outside this European passport-free zone should have a passport that is valid for at least three months beyond the date of their departure. This new rule entered into force on 19th July. The new change is officially known as regulation EU 610/2013 and it covers the countries from the Schengen zone and also Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria are not part of the borderless Schengen free-travel agreement zone yet. In order to become members of the Schengen zone, the three countries need to cover certain criteria. There is yet another requirement – the passports should be issued within the last ten years.

A new requirement has been introduced by all countries that are member states of the Schengen Area. According to that requirement, people that are coming from countries outside this European passport-free zone should have a passport that is valid for at least three months beyond the date of their departure.

The Schengen zone aims to abolish the checks that are placed alongside the internal borders of the European Union, however at the same time it needs to tighten the control at the external borders, following a set of strict rules. The rules cover several areas like rules for people crossing the external borders of the European Union, same rules on short-stay visas, police cooperation and usage of the Schengen Information System.

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Bulgaria: the protests will not be an obstacle for the Schengen accession

Mina Boycheva 19/09/2013

During an official visit in Bucharest the Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vigenin assured his Romanian counterpart that the long protests against the government in Bulgaria will not impede the attempt of the two countries to access the passport-free Schengen zone. According to the Foreign Affairs Minister, the undergoing protests in Sofia will not lead to a situation in which problems will arise for Romania and Bulgaria to join the no visa Schengen zone. Mr. Vigenin pointed out that the Bulgarian Government and the Parliament are active and will do their share of the work in order to prepare the country for joining the Schengen zone. According to him the current political situation in Bulgaria should not have an impact on the possible decision that concern the entry into Schengen that is expected to be taken by the end of this year.

During an official visit in Bucharest the Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vigenin assured his Romanian counterpart that the long protests against the government in Bulgaria will not impede the attempt of the two countries to access the passport-free Schengen zone. According to the Foreign Affairs Minister, the undergoing protests in Sofia will not lead to a situation in which problems will arise for Romania and Bulgaria to join the no visa Schengen zone.

The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the two countries will coordinate their positions, aiming to cover all requirements that are needed in order for them to be accepted in the free movement zone of Schengen, as their accession is already listed in the agenda of the Council for Justice and Home Affairs, which will take place in December this year. Romania and Bulgaria will join their Schengen acceptance campaigns.

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Which sectors are driving the office market in Sofia and what is available

Mina Boycheva 19/09/2013

The first half of year 2013 was marked with dynamic processes in the office market, compared to same sector a year ago. The real estate agencies registered activity in the demand for offices in Sofia, even when the office buildings are no yet fully completed. In general, the search activity of the companies has increased and as confirmation to that comes the fact that the rented office premises in Sofia for the first half of the year are 45% more than the last six months of the previous year. Currently, the rented offices in Sofia are approximately 75 000 sq.m, a real peak for the last 18 months. The companies that are most active on the Sofia office market are the outsourcing companies – research centers, call centers, and centers for financial services, as well as pharmaceutical companies, which are expanding their activities in Bulgaria, but also new companies that are yet coming to the Sofia market and are in search of offices of high class.

The first half of year 2013 was marked with dynamic processes in the office market, compared to same sector a year ago. The real estate agencies registered activity in the demand for offices in Sofia, even when the office buildings are no yet fully completed.

The new offices are with capacity of around 34 000 sq.m. and are mainly set in the outskirts of the city. There is a strong demand for Class A office space, however there are just 18 such office projects in Sofia, where many of them are almost fully occupied. During the next year several newly constructed office project in Sofia will be released, such as Bulgaria Tower and Capital Fort, which will offer a significant amount of space. There are companies which are looking for very large office premises in Sofia, a demand that will be answered by some of the newly constructed office buildings in Sofia. In general the predictions of the real estate companies are for lack of good modern offices by the end of the year.

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Sofia offices of class A and B and their rental levels

Mina Boycheva 16/09/2013

The rental levels of Sofia offices from class A and B have been stable during the first six months of this year. This tendency is expected to remain the same until the end of the year. The serious demand for high-quality Sofia offices has led to a drop in the difference between the offer price and the contract price or in other words, the rental contracts for offices in Sofia are being signed at the asking price. Since there are no many new office projects that are waiting to be started, the number of the available offices of high class in Sofia is dropping. In the middle of 2013 the available office premises in Sofia were approximately 325 000 sq.m., most of them concentrated in the outskirts of the city, close to the ring road.

The rental levels of Sofia offices from class A and B have been stable during the first six months of this year. This tendency is expected to remain the same until the end of the year.

The available Sofia offices of class A are approximately 24 % of the market share, while the Sofia offices of class B – the lower standard of offices, are approximately 17% of the available office premises in Sofia. The companies that have been looking for offices in Sofia during the first six months of the year come from the IT sector and the outsourcing sector. These companies have rented more than 60% of the rented offices for that period of the year. The average rental levels for the high-class offices in Sofia in the very center of the city are around 16 Euro per sq.m. At the same time the average rental levels of the offices in the outskirts of Sofia are around 9 Euro/sq.m.

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Bulgaria could enter the Schengen zone in two-phases

Mina Boycheva 16/09/2013

In the last decade of August the Foreign Minister of Romania stated that Romania and Bulgaria will work together and make efforts to overcome their problems. He confirmed the hopes of the two countries to join the Schengen area in two-phase process. During the presidency of Lithuania, there will be a draft resolution on that issue as part of the agenda of the council that is expected to be held in December. Romania and Bulgaria will attend joint meetings this fall, during which they will lay the grounds for the meeting of their joint efforts. The position of Romania and Bulgaria that concern Schengen entry will be coordinated. There will be negotiations and several bilateral agreements that concern the implementation of several programs based on cooperation between the two countries. These programs concern not only the regional cooperation, but also cooperation in Europe.

The position of Romania and Bulgaria that concern Schengen entry will be coordinated. There will be negotiations and several bilateral agreements that concern the implementation of several programs based on cooperation between the two countries. These programs concern not only the regional cooperation, but also cooperation in Europe.

The Foreign Ministers of Romania and Bulgaria already stated that the economic exchanges and cross-border cooperation between the two countries should be increased. This summer was opened the second bridge over Danube River that linked the Bulgarian town of Vidin with the Romania town of Calafat. There will also be talks on the cooperation on energy issues and various cultural projects. The neighboring countries Bulgaria and Romania are already members of the European Union and NATO, they have common interests and projects together.

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Sofia office market in the first half of 2013

Mina Boycheva 13/09/2013

Leading real estate agencies from the capital of Bulgaria discussed the office market in the city of Sofia. Their research covered the first six months of the year and confirmed that a possible lack of modern offices could be expected in the near future. In the first half of the year many of the high-quality offices in Sofia have been rented out. Greatest interest provoked those offices, which answer the international standards for quality, location and extras. Almost 70% of the modern office buildings in Sofia are situated in the outskirts of the city, close to the ring road, namely around Mladost 4 District and the Business Park there, Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd. and along Bulgaria Blvd. Approximately 20% of the available modern offices are placed in the central city area and 10 % are left for the offices in the rest of the good districts in Sofia.

Almost 70% of the modern office buildings in Sofia are situated in the outskirts of the city, close to the ring road, namely around Mladost 4 District and the Business Park there, Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd. and along Bulgaria Blvd.

No new office projects have started in the first six months of 2013, while at the same time many of the existing offices of high class in Sofia have been rented. At the beginning of the year were available 21% of these offices and in July the available offices of that type and standard were 14%. That is why the real estate agencies predict that at some point there will be a great demand for new and modern offices in Sofia. Most of the business companies are looking for offices of class A, which are characterized with excellent quality of the construction, adequate technical specifications, comfortable office layout and good location with perfect infrastructure and easy access with car and the means of the public transport.

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Netherlands and Norway think Bulgaria does not make much progress

Mina Boycheva 13/09/2013

This summer the Ambassador of the Netherlands stated that his country is not satisfied with the progress that Bulgaria, having in mind the attempts that the country makes to enter the Schengen agreement. According to Mr. Karel van Kesteren, Bulgaria should make more efforts to fight crime and corruption in the country and to improve its judiciary system and should oppose the oligarchic model which is not compatible with the membership in the European Union. The Ambassador confirmed that Bulgaria is technically ready to enter the Schengen zone, however it is still not showing enough progress as far as the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism is concerned.

Bulgaria is technically ready to enter the Schengen zone, however it is still not showing enough progress as far as the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism is concerned.

In the beginning of August it became clear that Norway is also against the Schengen entry of Bulgaria and Romania. Norway is against the enlargement of the Schengen zone, fearing a new wave of crime. The press in Norway states that local people are against the Roma people coming from the two countries and not against the regular citizens of Bulgaria and Romania. The entry of Bulgaria in the visa-free Schengen area is still in question. The Schengen bid of the two countries will be discussed this winter. If Romania and Bulgaria are accepted in the Schengen zone, most probably people from the two countries will be able to travel without passports throughout the countries from the Schengen agreement next spring.

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The situation with the office construction in Sofia

Mina Boycheva 05/09/2013

In the past five years the tenants and the buyers of Sofia offices were the ones dictating the market for office space in the Bulgarian capital. This is expected to change in the near future, but why is this so? The answer is simple – the supply of office space in Sofia has increased just slightly in 2013 when only three business centers of class A have been completed. During the current year it is unlikely for significant office projects intended for rent to be completed. Some of those complexes that are currently under construction also slow a slight progress and the prognosis are that they will be delayed and will have 2015 as a completion date. The office space under construction may seem significant, but it is not certain that all projects will be completed as promised.

Five are the most sought after office centers in Sofia, where two of them are fully rented out or sold out. At the same time the vacant spaces in the other three are less than 10 %.

Five are the most sought after office centers in Sofia, where two of them are fully rented out or sold out. At the same time the vacant spaces in the other three are less than 10 %. The percentage of all office premises that are available in the top ten office complexes in Sofia are less than 14 %. This means that the large corporate companies will find it difficult to get office premises that correspond to their requirements for architecture of the building, location and transport connections. The rental levels have remain the same with the best and most prestigious offices being offered between 9 and 12 Euro/sq.m per month.

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