Category: blog

The film industry provoked more office rentals in Sofia

Mina Boycheva 30/04/2013

When a certain industry is in progress, this affects other spheres of businesses as well. This happened in Sofia, when the film industry brought here many new companies and workers. An interest had been shown in luxury houses for rent in the areas of Boyana and Dragalevtsi, close to the studios and in the offices nearby and along Bulgaria Blvd. that connects the two prestigious districts with the center of the capital Sofia. The interest of the foreign investors towards Bulgaria and especially towards Sofia is serious; however they are more focused on renting apartments and offices in Sofia rather than buying them. The foreign citizens who rent offices of the highest class and apartments in good areas are usually working for the big international companies. Ninety percent of the actual buyers of luxury houses, apartments and top offices however are local people and companies.

For the first three months of the year, the rental market of offices and apartments in Sofia is stable and has increased twice if compared with the same segment of the market last year.

For the first three months of the year, the rental market of offices and apartments in Sofia is stable and has increased twice if compared with the same segment of the market last year. It seems that the film industry had a lot to do with that, since the movie companies were renting many luxurious properties for the TV episodes and movies they are filming in Bulgaria. These companies are usually looking for luxuriously furnished houses in Boyana district that had four or five bedrooms.

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Is Romania to blame for the delay of Bulgaria in the Schengen accession

Mina Boycheva 30/04/2013

According to two German politicians from the conservative party, Romania is to be blamed for the delay of the accession of Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen zone. The vice chairman of the European People Party Manfred Weber opposed his own government and the official position of the European Commission. He congratulated Bulgaria for the progress it had made and blamed Romania for the blocking of the membership of the two countries. He stated at a public event held in Brussels that the two countries are always coming as a package, which should not be so.

The European Commission has stated that Bulgaria and Romania are ready to enter into the Schengen zone.

The European Commission has stated that Bulgaria and Romania are ready to enter into the Schengen zone. However, thanks to several of the member states their accession was postponed based on the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism. Even so, the European Commission finds this mechanism inappropriate in order to judge the readiness of Bulgaria and Romania to enter the border free Schengen zone.

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The bail-in process in Bank of Cyprus

Mina Boycheva 29/04/2013

This Sunday the Bank of Cyprus, which is the lender of the country, implemented a conversion of the unused cash deposits available in the bank into equity. This was one of the conditions asked for by the international lenders, in order to provide the financial aid to the island. According to Reuters, the process that is known as bail-in makes those people who have deposits be the one that will pay for the recapitalization of the bank. Bank of Cyprus was seriously hit by massive losses, being the largest bank in the country. It was announced that the bank has converted 37.5 percent of the deposits that are exceeding 100 000 Euros in high shares, while additional 22.5 percent of the deposits are still held and might be converted into shares in the future. Other 30 percent of the deposits beyond 100 000 Euros will be frozen and used later if needed. No information was given on the actual cash these percentages stay for. Most probably this information will be given in the mid of the summer.

This Sunday the Bank of Cyprus, which is the lender of the country, implemented a conversion of the unused cash deposits available in the bank into equity.

The process known as bail-in also includes dissolution of the Popular Bank, which is the second largest lender in Cyprus. This is another effort that the country makes in order to collect the 13 billion euros that it needs and to recover its economy. The country is expected to get another ten billion by the International Monetary Fund and the European Union. The parliament of Cyprus will vote on the bailout tomorrow, on 30th April, while the first part of the help from the European Union and from the International Monetary Fund will be received in May.

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The office market outside Sofia

Mina Boycheva 29/04/2013

The office market in Sofia city is busy and even if it had a slight delay and had gone through some tough times, it is still strong and getting attention. The situation is not the same with the offices outside Sofia city. The market of business areas in the country is not that busy. Actually, the average selling price of the offers for offices is below 850 Euro/sq.m. The real estate agents comment that the lack of buyers and investors in offices is due to the poor economics in the country which blocks the investment intentions of the business companies.

The office market in Sofia city is busy and even if it had a slight delay and had gone through some tough times, it is still strong and getting attention. The situation is not the same with the offices outside Sofia city.

A slight interest in offices outside the capital Sofia is shown in two of the other major cities in the country – Plovdiv and Bourgas. There are a few modern office and business buildings there that deserve the attention. They have been built with the intention of accepting several outsourcing companies and this will eventually happen, but for now on there is no serious interest. According to the real estate agents, the office market will get more attention when the entire economics faces a stable development. Until that moment, the only chance for the office market in the country to develop is if some companies decide to move their offices from Sofia to the other cities in the country where they will find a cheap work force.

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Essential factors for Bulgaria’s Schengen accession

Mina Boycheva 29/04/2013

There are two main factors that are very important in order Bulgaria to be accepted in the border free travel zone of Schengen. The first essential thing for the country is to preserve its stable development and to make sure that its infrastructure will get even better. The second important thing concerns the prevention of illegal migration. This information was provided in the beginning of April by Monika Hohlmeier, who is a member of the party group of the European People and of the Committees on budgets and on organized crime, corruption and money laundering of the European Parliament. In general, Bulgaria has to convince the other member states of the Schengen passport free zone that it has taken all the measures necessary.

There are two main factors that are very important in order Bulgaria to be accepted in the border free travel zone of Schengen. The first essential thing for the country is to preserve its stable development and to make sure that its infrastructure will get even better. The second important thing concerns the prevention of illegal migration.

Actually, it will be fair to say that the Schengen zone has problems that concern the illegal immigration with one of its member states – Greece. The country does not fight effectively with the illegal migration and now has to put a lot of efforts and funds in solving that issue. Because of that bad experience, the Schengen zone is more careful with accepting new members now. Today, it wants to act more carefully and avoid the accession of new countries before it is sure that they have solved their problems with the organized crime, corruption and illegal migration.

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New office building on Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd.

Mina Boycheva 27/04/2013

A brand new office and trade building in Sofia is under construction. It is located on the southern part of Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd. and will offer large and modern offices, auto centers and auto services, warehouses, café and bistro, as well as parking lots. The offices will be located of the third floor of the business center and some of their tenants include Eurocar, Subaro Motors and BL Leasing. The plans for the office building are that it will be completed for a period of seven months or until the end of 2013.

A brand new office and trade building in Sofia is under construction. It is located on the southern part of Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd. and will offer large and modern offices, auto centers and auto services, warehouses, café and bistro, as well as parking lots.

The office area will be arranged to form a compounding three-level zone and will be f the highest class will all necessary facilities and extras required. The office building itself will be done with special facades and large window displays. The entire area of the offices will be 1100 sq.m. There will be also auto centers with 1250 sq.m of area, auto service center with 3208 sq.m. and nicely landscaped area with a lot of greenery with 1792 sq.m. The total built-up area of the office building is 9253 sq.m. The new office building will be a nice addition to that part of the Sofia, standing nicely among the rest of the office buildings and large trade complexes.

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Borisov blames the Schengen postpone on the political crises

Mina Boycheva 27/04/2013

According to the former prime minister of Bulgaria, Mr. Boyko Borisov, the country failed to enter the Schengen zone because of the political crises it was in. During a meeting of the Council of Ministers he stated that Bulgaria could have entered the Schengen zone by air on March 14th as only the Netherlands were against that. The political turmoil in the country however set an alarm to all the member states of the Schengen passport free zone. It became clear that the debate on the acceptance of Bulgaria and Romania in this border free area was postponed for the end of 2013. Certain diplomatic sources stated however that the two countries will not be accepted before the spring of 2014, even if they have very positive results in the reports that will be issued in the end of the year.

Bulgaria and Romania have to show better and more convincing results on their fight against the organized crime and the corruption.

Bulgaria and Romania have to show better and more convincing results on their fight against the organized crime and the corruption. Mr. Boyko Borisov in his capacity of Prime Minister and his government resigned from power at the end of February and are preparing for early elections on May 12th.

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Offices, residential apartments and a mall near Sofia ring road

Mina Boycheva 26/04/2013

A brand new neighborhood will be formed in the south-eastern part of Sofia city, very close to the ring road and just behind IKEA furniture store. It will feature Sofia offices of various size, several residential buildings and a mall. One part of the new neighborhood is already completed, another part is going to open in one year time, while the entire complex will be ready by 2019. The project is known as the Sofia Ring development and is set in the area between the districts of Bistritsa and Simeonovo. Here are already located the IKEA store and is being constructed the Sofia Ring Mall, which is expected to open doors in March 2014. The new district will be serviced by new lines of the public transport, which will help not only those who want to shop, but also people who work in the offices in that part of Sofia.

A brand new neighborhood will be formed in the south-eastern part of Sofia city, very close to the ring road and just behind IKEA furniture store. It will feature Sofia offices of various size, several residential buildings and a mall.

The second phase of the project will focus on the construction of the business zone with offices, sports equipment, park with a lake and a hotel. The last phase of the project will cover the construction of apartments and houses. It is expected that as many as 5000 people will live and work in the new district.

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Initiative Stepping into Schengen shows serious solidarity with Bulgaria and Romania

Mina Boycheva 26/04/2013

Support and solidarity is being showed to Bulgaria and Romania by a group of young people. The two countries’ bids for admission in the travel passport free Schengen zone were postponed for an indefinite time in the beginning of March. The young people formed a group, the aim of which is to ensure that the two countries enter the zone soon, since they are ready for that step. Currently, the initiative Stepping into Schengen is focused on getting attention to the real factors and reasons behind the denial and on the rights that the membership in the zone gives. According to the leaders of the project, the Schengen zone is very important and affects many people, but the decisions taken by its members are not transparent. They further think that the postponement is based on certain political issues and criteria that Bulgaria and Romania are believed not meeting. Accused of having issues with corruption and security, the two countries have actually invested a lot in meeting the technical requirements and in securing their borders.

The Stepping into Schengen initiative has another key role as well and this is to make sure that the decision taken by the member states of Schengen from now on are transparent and not based on political or other motives.

The Stepping into Schengen initiative has another key role as well and this is to make sure that the decision taken by the member states of Schengen from now on are transparent and not based on political or other motives. Currently, the people from the initiative are focusing on informing people about Schengen zone in general. The initiative is addressing all people that stand for equality, transparency and tolerance.

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Sofia office market has many new tenants

Mina Boycheva 25/04/2013

The office market in Sofia is stable and has many new tenants. These are solid local and international companies who are looking for new offices. An year ago the main source of activity on the office market were the companies that were relocating, but since the beginning of 2013, an interest towards the offices in Sofia comes from brand new companies that are emerging on the market. Usually, these are outsourcing companies from the sphere of services like call centers, IT technologies and pharmaceutical companies. This marks a new moment for the Sofia office market and is a sign that it is recovering.

The companies are different and work in various spheres of the business, but they are all looking for good location easy access, high quality of the construction and functional distribution of the premises.

According to leading real estate companies, in the last four years the rented office premises in Sofia have increased with ten per cent per year. Currently, the office market in Sofia in general has reached a state of balance where the demand and the supply of office and business remises in Sofia have met. The most sought after locations are placed along Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd. and more specifically in the area around The Mall where are set the Megapark and the ETC business centers projects. Serious interest is also shown in Serdica offices. The companies are different and work in various spheres of the business, but they are all looking for good location easy access, high quality of the construction and functional distribution of the premises.

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