Bulgaria Deserves to Join Schengen

Mina Boycheva 05/02/2015

In a recent interview the Minister of Interior Veselin Vuchkov of Bulgaria said to the journalists that Bulgaria deserves to join the Schengen Area even if it is only in association with the air borders. According to him Bulgaria deserves to stay next to Romania to join the Schengen area when air borders are concerned. The Minister is positive that the two neighboring countries should move in synchrony, just as they did until now.

Bulgaria deserves to stay next to Romania to join the Schengen area when air borders are concerned. The Minister is positive that the two neighboring countries should move in synchrony, just as they did until now.

The Minister of Interior further added that Bulgaria, as well as Romania has been technically ready to enter the passport free travel zone for many years now and that the criteria that has been previously set have already been met. Mr. Veselin Vuchkov further confirmed that the country has even managed to do well even when the refugee pressure is concerned. He said that Bulgaria did it better than some of the countries that are part of the Schengen area. According to the minister, the issue with Bulgaria entering the visa free Schengen zone is political and confirmed that the county will keep on synchronizing its efforts with Romania in order to convince all the countries to support the new members.

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