Bulgaria backed up by Italy for its Schengen Bid

Mina Boycheva 06/06/2014

The Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, Mr. Kristian Vigenin informed the citizens of Bulgaria that Italy supports the Schengen bid of Bulgaria. Few days ago on a meeting with his Italian counterpart Federica Mogherini, Mr. Vigenin announced that Bulgaria and Italy will work together on the implementation of the project for the gas pipeline of Southern Stream. According to a quote on the Bulgarian National Radio, the Foreign Minister made it clear that Bulgaria has every reason to believe that Bulgaria’s accession into the Schengen area could become a fact in the autumn of 2014.

Mr. Kristian Vigenin further announced that the Foreign Minister of Italy had vowed his country to convince other member states why the approval of the Schengen accession of Bulgaria is important during the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Mr. Kristian Vigenin further announced that the Foreign Minister of Italy had vowed his country to convince other member states why the approval of the Schengen accession of Bulgaria is important during the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Italian Presidency will take place from July until December 2014. The Foreign Minister of Italy had put an emphasis on the fact that Italy believes Bulgaria to be ready to join the Schengen travel free zone and that there is no reason for postponement any more. The two foreign ministers of Bulgaria and Italy had agreed on joining their efforts in the implementation of the gas pipeline Southern Steam and defending it from political attacks.

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