Bulgaria into Schengen is not a priority for the Greek EU presidency

Mina Boycheva 10/12/2013

The Greek Ambassador in the European Union, Mr. Teodoris Sotiropoulos informed the media in Bulgaria that the inclusion of Romania and Bulgaria and thus the enlargement of the Schengen Area will not be among the priority task during the upcoming presidency of Greece of the European Union. The Greek Ambassador further stated that the two countries should not expect for common measures to be introduced that concern the limitation of the access to the labor markets in the European Union.

The Greek Ambassador in the European Union, Mr. Teodoris Sotiropoulos informed the media in Bulgaria that the inclusion of Romania and Bulgaria and thus the enlargement of the Schengen Area will not be among the priority task during the upcoming presidency of Greece of the European Union.

Mr. Teodoris Sotiropoulos further stated that he hopes that soon the member countries of the Schengen area will reach an agreement for the enlargement of the travel free zone and that they will set up a plan for this to happen. In 2012 several countries opposed to the expansion of the Schengen area and inclusion of the two new countries – Bulgaria and Romania, even after it was proven that they are technically ready to enter the passport free area. Among these countries were France and the Netherlands. At the same time some Bulgaria analysts comment that the crises with the great number of refugees currently in the country will decrease the chance of Bulgaria to enter the Schengen travel zone.

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