The Bulgarian President comments on the Schengen situation

Mina Boycheva 20/05/2013

In the beginning of April, the Bulgarian President Mr. Plevneliev was in Budapest to meet the Hungarian President. There he expressed his gratitude for the support that Hungary provided to the accession of Bulgaria in the Schengen zone. The Bulgarian President confirmed that the country is ready for Schengen and has already met the technical requirements imposed for the membership and the planned accession in two stages. Both presidents confirmed that they support the planned enlargement of the European Union. Mr. Plevneliev also stated that when there is a problem, it is being solved. He was positive that if the country has problems with Roma invasion in the UK, it will solve the issue. For now however, there is no evidence for such problems.

According to the Bulgarian President, Bulgaria has invested a lot in keeping the borders save and strong and that the authorities have acted in the most responsible manner.

According to the Bulgarian President, Bulgaria has invested a lot in keeping the borders save and strong and that the authorities have acted in the most responsible manner. He also confirmed that Bulgarians believe in the European responsibility and solidarity. The President shared the belief that Bulgaria will no longer be victim of internal problems in the European countries that organize campaigns against Sofia and Bulgaria.

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