Monthly Archives: May 2014

Offices in Sofia with stable prices

Mina Boycheva 31/05/2014

Leading real estate companies confirm the ongoing interest towards the offices in Sofia from international companies that are already in Bulgaria and are looking to relocate and from companies that are planning to outsource their business to Sofia. The companies that are interested in finding new office premises for their business include mainly companies from the IT sphere and the outsourcing business. These companies are looking for offices in Sofia of the highest class A, with good location along the main boulevards of the Bulgarian capital and the lines of the metro. The rental levels of the offices there are stable, ranging from 10 to 12 Euro/sq.m.

Leading real estate companies confirm the ongoing interest towards the offices in Sofia from international companies that are already in Bulgaria and are looking to relocate and from companies that are planning to outsource their business to Sofia.

According to the real estate agents, the companies from the outsourcing business follow a policy of reducing their expenses, however they are not willing to make compromise with the location and standard of their offices. That is why these companies insist on large office premises in Sofia, which are equipped with all facilities they require and have the necessary parking and the desired location. Compared to the office markets in Europe, the prices of the offices in Sofia are quite competitive.

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The Schengen member states and the measures taken

Mina Boycheva 31/05/2014

The member states of the passport free travel Schengen zone were five initially, when the Schengen area was formed back in year 1985. In the years that followed, the border free area was joined by many member states, namely Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. The largest expansion however happened in 2007, when the no internal border area was accepted the following countries as member states – Czech Republic and Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, Malta and Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. There are three countries that are waiting to be accepted as members. Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria are not fully fledged members of the Schengen zone, though they are technically ready to become members.

The main rules within the Schengen border free zone include removal of the checks on persons at the internal borders of the member states, a common package of rules applied to all people who are crossing the external borders of the European Union Member states.

The member states of the Schengen area took certain measures, which were accepted as part of the cooperation efforts under the Schengen agreement. The main rules within the Schengen border free zone include removal of the checks on persons at the internal borders of the member states, a common package of rules applied to all people who are crossing the external borders of the European Union Member states. The rest of the rules include same entry conditions and visa rules for the short term stay, good police cooperation, strong judicial cooperation, fast extradition system, establishment and usage of the common Schengen Information System.

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Sofia offices: new projects and locations

Mina Boycheva 23/05/2014

The real estate agents in Sofia confirm that there are new Sofia office projects and locations emerging on the market. These new projects are driven by the outsourcing and the IT sector. As a rule, the international companies that are outsourcing their business to Sofia city are looking for offices on Bulgaria Blvd. and Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd. These companies are also interested in the offices in Sofia along the metro lines 1 and 2 – in the areas near Cherni Vrah Blvd. and Todor Alexandrov Blvd. The number of the available offices in Sofia however is going down as the rental contracts for Sofia office premises are expected to reach the levels from last year or 90 000 – 100 000 sq.m.

The real estate agents in Sofia confirm that there are new Sofia office projects and locations emerging on the market. These new projects are driven by the outsourcing and the IT sector.

The prognoses of the real estate agents are that the large companies will focus towards high-quality office buildings in zones that have not been that attractive until now. Such areas include Sofia business centers near the airport, the upper zone of Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd., the zone near Business Park Sofia and the southern part of the ring road. An important factor here is the approaching new lines of the city metro, which will make these locations easily approachable. Some companies from the IT sector and the outsourcing sector are already showing interest in the offices in that part of Sofia. The large office projects in Sofia city include Sofia Airport Center, Alfa Business Centre near the ring road, Bulgaria Tower office center, Megapark on Tsarigradsko Schousse Blvd.

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The Schengen member states and the ones that wait for approval

Mina Boycheva 23/05/2014

In year 1985 several countries in Europe took a decision and formed a territory with no internal borders, naming it the Schengen area. The original member states of the Schengen area were five – Germany and France, Luxembourg and Belgium, as well as the Netherlands. Through the years the Schengen area gradually and slowly expanded to include now as a member state almost every country in the European Union. The first countries that joined the Schengen area after it was formed include Italy in 1990, Portugal and Spain in 1991, Greece in 1992, Austria in 1995, Finland, Denmark and Sweden in 1996. The great expansion of the Schengen zone followed in 2007 when the border free zone was joined by the Czech Republic and Estonia, by Lithuania and Latvia, by Malta and Hungary, by Slovenia, Slovakia and Poland.

In year 1985 several countries in Europe took a decision and formed a territory with no internal borders, naming it the Schengen area. The original member states of the Schengen area were five - Germany and France, Luxembourg and Belgium, as well as the Netherlands.

In 2008 the associated country of Switzerland also entered the Schengen zone. The countries of Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus are perceived as not yet fully fledged members of the Schengen area. At the current moment these countries have border controls between them and the Schengen zone and they will stay for now. When the European Union Council decides that these countries have met the conditions required, the internal border controls will be abolished.

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Sofia: in search of the best office building

Mina Boycheva 16/05/2014

The steady growth of the outsourcing sector in Sofia city led to serious situation on front of the office market investors. The companies from the outsourcing sphere are showing serious interest towards the highest class office buildings, namely business centers AA with all the facilities and extras they come with. The international companies that have picked Sofia as the destination to outsource their business have special requirements towards the office premises they intend to rent. It seems that Sofia city has many available offices, however only four or five of the business centers answer to the high requirements of the office buildings of class AA. Currently, there are two or three projects for office buildings of the same quality and high standard. The main set of offices for rent in Sofia that are available are with size ranging from 250 sq.m to 1000 sq.m, while the large companies from the outsourcing business looking to relocate their business practices in Sofia are looking for office premises with size of 1200 sq.m and larger.

The steady growth of the outsourcing sector in Sofia city led to serious situation on front of the office market investors. The companies from the outsourcing sphere are showing serious interest towards the highest class office buildings, namely business centers AA with all the facilities and extras they come with.

The companies that are outsourcing their business to Sofia city are looking for large office premises in Sofia office centers of class AA, or two or more offices set on one floor. Many of these companies are also planning to expand the number of their employees in the future, thus most probably they will need even larger offices in Sofia to rent. Among the other requirements are the good location and the easy access to the local public transport system, large parking area, good air conditioning and ventilation system, wireless internet, etc.

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The extension of the Schengen area

Mina Boycheva 16/05/2014

The Schengen area was developed by five original member countries with an agreement signed in June 1985. After the passport-free area was arranged was signed an extra convention five years later, according to which the internal borders of the member states were abolished and one single external border was formed. From then on the immigration checks for the Schengen area were carried out according to the identical procedures. Bulgaria aims to become a member of the Schengen area and is technically prepared for that. When this happen and Bulgaria becomes a member state of the Schengen agreement, the country will have to follow common rules in regards to the visas, the external borders, the right of asylum, etc. which regulation are adopted in order to allow the free movement of people within the territory of the member states.

The Schengen area was developed by five original member countries with an agreement signed in June 1985. After the passport-free area was arranged was signed an extra convention five years later, according to which the internal borders of the member states were abolished and one single external border was formed.

The freedom of movement in the Schengen zone comes with certain compensatory measures, which come to reconcile security and freedom. These measures include improved cooperation, better coordination between the judicial authorities and the police, measures for safeguarding of the internal security and special measures for fighting the organized crime. With all that in mind, the Schengen area soon set up the so called SIS or the Schengen Information System. This is a special database that is used by the authorities of all member countries of the Schengen agreement. Thanks to that sophisticated system, the authorities of the member countries of Schengen are able to exchange information on people and goods.

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The new Sofia office tenants

Mina Boycheva 09/05/2014

Sofia city has new types of companies that rent the available office premises in the modern business buildings. More than half of the office buildings in Sofia are rented by outsourcing companies, which choose only high class AA office buildings. The outsourcing industry in Sofia grows significantly with the impressive 20-25 % per year and the companies in that sphere of the business seem to be the ones that are most active on the Sofia office market. The business of the outsourcing industry is associated with investments in call centers and service centers and these companies often need significant space to do their business.

Sofia city has new types of companies that rent the available office premises in the modern business buildings. More than half of the office buildings in Sofia are rented by outsourcing companies, which choose only high class AA office buildings.

That is why in year 2013, more than half of the office rental contracts were signed with companies working in the outsourcing sphere. This is good news for the real estate agents, however the outsourcing companies looking for offices to rent could be quite precise and demanding clients. Unfortunately, Sofia city has not so many office buildings of such a high class. It seems that the office market has to go in one direction – projects and construction of office buildings of the highest class AA. These business centers with offices have to enjoy central location or location in the organized business areas of Sofia. They should also have good transport connections and large parking areas.

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The cooperation in the Schengen area

Mina Boycheva 09/05/2014

The Schengen area is a territory which allows free entry and movement of people, who are residents of the member states included in the agreement. Several attempts have been made by Bulgaria in order to enter the passport free Schengen zone. Technically, the country is prepared for that important step, however there are certain issues that the country has to overcome in order to become a member of Schengen. The countries that are included in the Schengen Agreement had abolished their internal borders and have one single external border. In this passport free zone people can travel without the need of visas for the short stays.

The Schengen area is a territory which allows free entry and movement of people, who are residents of the member states included in the agreement. Several attempts have been made by Bulgaria in order to enter the passport free Schengen zone. Technically, the country is prepared for that important step, however there are certain issues that the country has to overcome in order to become a member of Schengen.

In order to guarantee the security in the Schengen zone, the countries do cooperate. What does this include? The police departments in the member countries of the Schengen agreement cooperate and coordinate their efforts, and the same do the judicial authorities. This cooperation in Schengen has been legally incorporated in the European Union with the Amsterdam Treaty from 1997. Yet, not all countries that are cooperating in Schengen are part of the Schengen area. Bulgaria is also one of these countries, yet there are indications that at some point Bulgaria will enter the Schengen zone one it covers all the conditions for the application of the Schengen acquis.

Since 1985 several countries formed a territory without any internal borders and this became known as the Schengen area. The member states of the Schengen area are Germany and France, Luxembourg and Belgium, as well as the Netherlands.

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