Friedrich blocked Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen zone

Mina Boycheva 25/03/2013

The Interior Minister of Germany, Hans Peter Friedrich blocked the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen zone earlier in March. He expressed his concern in connection with the economic refugees and the prematurity of the two Balkan countries – Bulgaria and Romania to gain full membership in the Schengen zone. Bulgaria has put a lot of efforts into being accepted to the passport free and border free area of Schengen, but on 7th March its acceptance was postponed for an indefinite time.

The Interior Minister of Germany, Hans Peter Friedrich blocked the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen zone earlier in March. He expressed his concern in connection with the economic refugees and the prematurity of the two Balkan countries – Bulgaria and Romania to gain full membership in the Schengen zone.

At the same time, the Bulgarian Interior Minister at that time, Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov announced that his country meets the criteria to be accepted into the Schengen zone. The other members of the zone accept the fact that the country can secure technically the borders of the zone, but are still worried about the shortcomings of the Bulgarian judicial system. The members of the Schengen zone want to protect it and are ready to take all measures in order for it to remain credible. That is why they want to be absolutely sure when they allow Bulgaria and Romania to be part of the Schengen area. Then, if people would like to stay in another country of the European Union, they have to show that they have work or regular income they can rely on. The aim of all the member countries of the European union however, is for people to find good living conditions in their own country and not leave their homes.

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