Sofia’s access to the Schengen zone postponed

Mina Boycheva 16/04/2013

Bulgaria along with Romania faced a new rejection in the beginning of March, connected with their application to enter the Schengen zone. The two countries were postponed again from becoming part of the border free travelling area, after the justice and the home affairs ministers of several of the European Union member states agreed that the two countries are not yet ready for becoming part of the Schengen zone. Actually, most of the member states showed their support for the two countries from the Balkan Peninsula, however the powerful states of Finland, the Netherlands and Germany opposed. The two countries are meeting the technical criteria in order to become part of the Schengen zone, but their membership was postponed since the rest of the countries have certain doubts about the overall situation they are in.

It is believed that Bulgaria will be accepted as a member of the Schengen area at the end of this year or at some point next year.

The interior minister of Germany, Mr. Hans-Peter Friedrich, made a proposal according to which the access of the immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania should be restricted. His idea came from his concern that the social security system was used for many years already. All the other countries that are members of the Schengen zone however, stated that Germany should not restrict the right of access of the skilled workers to the job market. It is believed that the two countries will be accepted as members of the Schengen area at the end of this year or at some point next year.

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