Category: Company registration Bulgaria

Key Benefits of Company Formation in Bulgaria Explained (2024)

Mina Boycheva 14/06/2024

Considering launching a startup? Bulgaria might just be the location you’ve been searching for. With its strategic position as a bridge between East and West Europe, Bulgaria offers access to key markets that could be pivotal for your venture’s success.

Coupled with one of the EU’s lowest corporate tax rates and a vibrant tech ecosystem, this country offers a compelling mix of opportunities for entrepreneurs eyeing both European and global markets. So, if you’re curious about what it takes to start and grow a business in this dynamic setting, read on to explore the strategic, economic, and innovative advantages that make Bulgaria an enticing destination for startup ventures.

Why Consider Bulgaria for Your Startup Venture?

Starting a business in Bulgaria offers a unique set of opportunities for entrepreneurs worldwide. Its welcoming business environment, coupled with economic incentives, creates a nurturing ground for startups and established enterprises alike. Highlighting the strategic advantages, cost benefits, and the burgeoning tech landscape, Bulgaria positions itself as an ideal locale for business ventures aiming for European and global markets.

The Strategic Location of Bulgaria in Europe

Bulgaria’s geographical position in Europe acts as a gateway between the East and West, offering seamless access to several key markets. The country’s infrastructure, including four major airports and well-established road and rail networks, ensures efficient transportation and logistics. Access to neighboring countries such as Romania, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia opens up a vast consumer base, making Bulgaria a strategic hub for businesses looking to penetrate the European and Asian markets.

Cost-Effective Business Environment in Bulgaria

The financial aspects of starting and running a business in Bulgaria are highly favorable compared to other European countries. Notably, Bulgaria features one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the EU, alongside competitive labor costs. This cost-effective environment extends to affordable rents and real estate prices, offering tangible savings for businesses. Additionally, Bulgaria’s government provides various incentives for foreign investments, including grants and tax holidays, further reducing the financial burden on businesses and enhancing profitability.

The Growing Tech Ecosystem in Sofia and Beyond

Bulgaria, particularly its capital Sofia, has witnessed significant growth in its tech ecosystem. The city has become a vibrant hub for IT companies, startups, and innovation centers, supported by a highly skilled, multilingual workforce. This burgeoning tech scene attracts investment and talent, fostering a culture of innovation and technological advancement. Moreover, the availability of high-speed internet and commitment to digital entrepreneurship makes Bulgaria an attractive place for tech ventures. Networking opportunities, events, and tech parks offer platforms for collaboration, mentorship, and scaling businesses.

Can Foreigners Easily Start a Business in Bulgaria?

Starting a business in Bulgaria as a foreigner is quite feasible and straightforward, thanks to the country’s welcoming stance on overseas investment.

The process for setting up a company in Bulgaria mirrors that of local citizens, requiring foreigners to adhere to the same regulations and procedures. A significant aspect to note is the necessity for all documentation to be presented in Bulgarian, although documents from EU languages may be submitted with certified translations. This highlights the importance of either having a grasp of the Bulgarian language or seeking local assistance for smooth document handling.

The Legal Framework for Foreign Entrepreneurs in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian government has established a legal framework aimed at encouraging foreign entrepreneurs to invest in the country. This includes the formation of various company types, such as Limited Liability Companies (Ltd.), Joint Stock Companies (JSC), and partnerships, allowing flexibility for foreign investors in choosing the structure that best suits their business needs. The key to navigating this process successfully is understanding the local business environment, which may involve consulting with agencies like Invest in Bulgaria, which provide valuable insights and assistance.

Visa and Residency Requirements for Business Owners

For non-EU citizens, entering Bulgaria and starting a business entails obtaining the appropriate visa Type C for short stays and Type D for long-term stays, including conducting business activities.

EU citizens, on the other hand, enjoy a more streamlined process, necessitating only their ID for business endeavors, without the need for a visa. It’s essential for foreign entrepreneurs to closely examine these requirements to ensure they choose the correct visa type aligned with their business objectives, thus avoiding potential legal complications.

For business owners planning to reside in Bulgaria, the residency requirements involve more detailed processes, linked to the specific business activities and investments made. The steps generally include obtaining the necessary visa, registering the business with the Bulgarian Commercial Register, and then applying for residency.

These steps highlight the importance of thorough preparation and understanding of Bulgaria’s immigration policies for business owners.

Deciding on the Best Business Structure for Your Venture

Choosing the right business structure is a crucial step for entrepreneurs embarking on a new venture. The decision impacts various aspects of the business, from taxation and paperwork to your personal liability and the ability to raise funds. In Bulgaria, several options are available, each with its benefits and considerations.

A Comparison Between Sole Proprietorship and Limited Liability Company

Sole proprietorship and Limited Liability Companies – LLCS (EOOD) represent two common choices for business owners, yet they cater to different needs and situations. A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business under which one can operate. It doesn’t require formal registration and gives the owner complete control. However, it also means that the owner’s personal assets are at risk if the business faces legal trouble or debt.

On the other hand, an LLC (OOD), known as a Limited Liability Company, provides a shield for personal assets, separating them from the business’s liabilities. This setup requires a more structured formation process, including the necessity to register the business and adhere to ongoing compliance standards. Despite these requirements, many prefer LLCs for the protection and flexibility they offer, especially in terms of tax advantages and shared ownership.

Understanding the Joint Stock Company Model in Bulgaria

The Joint Stock Company (JSC) model in Bulgaria suits those looking to establish larger ventures or planning to go public in the future.

A JSC protects its owners’ personal assets from business liabilities, similar to an LLC. However, it is distinct in its ability to issue shares to the public, a feature that demands meticulous compliance with regulatory standards and disclosure requirements.

The minimum capital requirement for a JSC is significantly higher than that for an LLC, reflecting its capacity to generate substantial capital and grow. This model is ideal for entities with big ambitions and a clear path to expansion.

Pros and Cons of Starting a Partnership in Bulgaria

Forming a partnership in Bulgaria can be seen as a middle ground between operating as a sole proprietor and establishing a corporation like an LLC or JSC. Partnerships allow two or more individuals to share ownership, profits, and liabilities.

The key advantage of partnerships is the simplicity of their structure and the ease of setup, making them appealing for small businesses and professional services.

However, partnerships also carry the risk of joint and several liabilities, where each partner can be held responsible for the business’s entire debts, regardless of individual contribution. This risk necessitates a solid agreement between partners to ensure smooth operation and conflict resolution.

Moreover, finding the right business partner one who shares your vision, ethics, and commitment level is critical to the partnership’s success.

While partnerships offer numerous benefits, including shared resources and collaboration, they also demand careful consideration of each partner’s roles and responsibilities to mitigate potential risks and maximize the venture’s success prospects.

Step-by-Step Guide to Registering Your Company in Bulgaria

Choosing a Unique Company Name and Securing It

Starting your business journey in Bulgaria begins with selecting a distinctive name for your company. It’s the first step that sets the stage for your brand’s identity. To streamline this process, reserve your company name before diving into the official registration.

It’s smart to have at least two alternative names ready, ensuring a smooth selection process in the event of a name conflict. While creativity in your company’s name is encouraged, remember that the official registration documents require the name to be in Cyrillic.

For those planning without a physical presence in Bulgaria, registering your business address provides access to local tax benefits, making it a strategic step worth considering.

Navigating the Company Registration Process

The registration of your company in Bulgaria is a clear, step-by-step procedure, designed to welcome new businesses. Begin by confirming the availability of your desired company name.

Following this, submit the requisite incorporation documents, which vary depending on your business structure options range from Limited Liability Companies (Ltd. or SMLtd.) to Joint Stock Companies (JSC).

While the process is increasingly digitalised, certain requirements like notarization might still necessitate physical presence or local legal representation. Additionally, for those not fluent in Bulgarian, various agencies offer translation and support services to facilitate your application, smoothing the transition into the Bulgarian business ecosystem.

Opening a Company Bank Account in Bulgaria

After your business is registered, opening a company bank account is the next logical step. This account will be the cornerstone for managing your business finances, from investments to daily transactions.

Bulgaria’s banking sector is robust, offering a variety of options suited to your business needs. When selecting a bank, consider the services they offer, such as online banking capabilities, multi-currency accounts, and the level of English-language support available. Proper documentation, including your company’s registration documents and proof of address, will be required to open your account.

Understanding the Bulgarian Tax System for Businesses

Bulgaria’s favorable tax system is often cited as a key advantage for businesses, featuring one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the European Union. Familiarizing yourself with this system will help optimize your financial operations. The corporate income tax rate is flat – 10%, and there are various incentives for companies operating in certain sectors or regions.

Additionally, understanding VAT obligations and how to handle personal income tax for employees is crucial. Seeking advice from a local tax consultant can provide personalized insights, keeping your business compliant and financially healthy.

Meeting the Local Employment Regulations

As your business grows, hiring local talent in Bulgaria can provide numerous benefits. However, it’s important to understand and comply with the local employment regulations. These cover a range of requirements, including contracts, working hours, minimum wage standards, and employee benefits.

Bulgaria offers a skilled workforce with competitive labor costs, but to harness this effectively, your human resources approach needs to respect local labor laws. Employing the right mix of talent while staying compliant with these regulations will support your business in achieving long-term success in Bulgaria’s dynamic market.

What Are the Costs Involved in Registering a Business in Bulgaria?

Registering a business in Bulgaria includes various financial considerations that future business owners must plan for. These expenses range from state fees to operational costs such as document translations and legal consultations. Significantly, depending on the business structure chosen, the initial setup cost can vary, influencing the company’s overall budget planning.

Initial Capital Requirements for Different Business Types

Starting a business in Bulgaria requires an understanding of the different capital requirements for various entity types. For instance, initiating a Limited Liability Company (LLC) necessitates a minimum investment of 2 Bulgarian Levs (BGN), equivalent to about 1 Euro, showcasing the government’s encouragement for small to medium enterprise development.

Conversely, opening a Joint Stock Company demands a considerably higher capital investment, placed at a minimum of 50,000 BGN or around 25,000 Euros. This distinction highlights the need for potential business owners to assess their financial capacity and business scope seriously before deciding on an entity type.

Administrative Fees and Legal Costs

The administrative journey of registering a business in Bulgaria involves several fees and legal expenses. Primarily, the state fees for registering a company include a 110 BGN charge for entry into the Commercial Register and an additional 40 BGN for maintaining the firm’s accounts. Opting for electronic submission can halve these fees, reducing them to 55 BGN and 20 BGN, respectively, which encourages future business owners to utilize online services for convenience and cost-saving.

On top of these, partnering with a law firm to navigate the company registration process is common practice. This professional assistance ensures accuracy and compliance with Bulgarian law but comes with its cost, ranging between 400-800 Euros.

This package typically covers lawyer fees, registration, and notary fees, creating a straightforward pathway for entrepreneurs to officially start their operations. It is also crucial to account for possible translation and document notarization fees, which vary based on the specific requirements of the business being established.

Being aware of these potential expenses and planning accordingly will be key to a successful business launch in Bulgaria. Organizing the necessary funds for these initial steps will ensure a smoother registration process and set the foundation for a successful business venture in this strategically located European country.

Navigating the Bulgarian Market: Challenges and Opportunities

Entering the Bulgarian market offers unique opportunities alongside certain challenges that must be addressed to ensure business success.

Bulgaria, known for its strategic location, acts as a gateway to both European and Asian markets, presenting a lucrative scenario for investors and entrepreneurs alike. However, understanding the local market nuances and regulatory requirements is crucial for navigating this terrain smoothly.

The competitive tax system and access to a skilled workforce are significant draws, but the bureaucratic processes and the need for permits and licenses can pose hurdles. Overcoming these challenges necessitates a strategic approach, thorough research, and possibly the assistance of experienced professionals.

Market Analysis: Understanding Your Sector in Bulgaria

Conducting a comprehensive market analysis is the first crucial step towards business success in Bulgaria. This involves understanding the economic landscape, industry-specific trends, and consumer behavior within the country.

In recent years, Bulgaria’s economy has shown steady growth with advancements in various sectors such as IT, green energy, and digitalization, bolstered by EU grants and initiatives aimed at economic recovery and sustainability.

Recognizing the sectors with high growth potential and aligning your business model accordingly can leverage Bulgaria’s evolving market dynamics. Moreover, staying informed about the legal and regulatory changes is indispensable for ensuring compliance and seizing emerging opportunities.

Adapting Your Business Model to the Bulgarian Culture

Adapting your business model to fit the Bulgarian culture is another essential aspect of ensuring business success in the country. This involves more than just translating sales materials into Bulgarian; it requires an in-depth understanding of local business practices, consumer preferences, and communication styles.

Building strong relationships is at the core of doing business in Bulgaria, and therefore integrating into the local business community can provide invaluable insights and open doors to new opportunities. Furthermore, showing respect for Bulgaria’s rich cultural heritage and traditions can go a long way in establishing your business’s credibility and creating lasting partnerships.

What Supports and Grants Are Available for Startups in Bulgaria?

Setting up a business in Bulgaria opens a gateway to a range of government and European Union financial instruments designed to kick-start entrepreneurial ventures. Understanding these supports and how to access them is crucial for new businesses looking to capitalize on Bulgaria’s growing economy.

Incubators and Accelerators: Jump-Starting Your Bulgarian Venture

Bulgaria’s entrepreneurial ecosystem is further enriched by a variety of incubators and accelerators. These programs provide startups with crucial early-stage support, including mentorship, training, networking opportunities, and sometimes even seed funding. Designed to assist entrepreneurs in turning their ideas into viable businesses, these platforms act as a catalyst for innovation and business development.

Engaging with these programs can provide entrepreneurs with the necessary tools and knowledge to grow their businesses successfully. Through tailored mentorship and access to a network of business professionals, startups can navigate the initial challenges of business ownership with greater ease. These incubators and accelerators are critical in nurturing the country’s startup ecosystem and enhancing the success rate of new ventures.

In conclusion, Bulgaria offers a supportive framework for startups through financial grants, tax incentives, and programs designed to foster business growth. The combination of EU and local government funding, along with incubators and accelerators, provides a solid foundation for entrepreneurs looking to start or expand their business in Bulgaria.

As these opportunities continue to evolve, they present a compelling case for Bulgaria as a prime location for entrepreneurial ventures.

Ensuring Your Startup Is Secure: The Importance of Cybersecurity

When venturing into the ever-competitive business world, the security of your startup’s digital assets should never be overlooked. With the rise of cyber threats that can cripple your operation before it even gains momentum, understanding and implementing cybersecurity measures is not just beneficial; it’s essential.

Navigating Post-Registration Steps: Your First Year in Business

After registering your business in Bulgaria, the journey has only just begun. The initial year of operation is crucial for setting a strong foundation and navigating through the essential tasks and obligations. Understanding the legal, accounting, and market dynamics of Bulgaria can significantly contribute to the smooth operation and growth of your business. Here are the actionable steps and considerations that are pivotal for thriving during your first year in the business landscape of Bulgaria.

Key Legal and Accounting Considerations for New Businesses in Bulgaria

The first year of any business is often focused on ensuring that all the legal and financial obligations are met punctually and accurately. For businesses in Bulgaria, particularly those with international ties, understanding the local legal and accounting rules is paramount. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Stay Informed on Tax Regulations: Businesses in Bulgaria are subject to a flat corporate tax rate as well as VAT obligations. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with these rates and ensure timely filings to avoid penalties.
  • Manage Your Books: Accurate bookkeeping is not just a legal requirement but also a business imperative. It helps you understand your financial health, manage your resources effectively, and prepare for audits.
  • Understand Employment Laws: If your business plans to hire employees, it’s important to comply with Bulgarian labor laws. This includes contracts, minimum wage requirements, working hours, and health and safety regulations.
  • Company Annual Reporting: Annually, companies must submit financial statements and declare their incomes. Ensuring these reports are accurate and submitted on time is crucial.

Adhering to these legal and financial protocols not only helps you avoid fines but also builds your credibility and reputation in the Bulgarian market.

Building Your Presence: Marketing and Networking in Bulgaria

Developing a strong market presence is essential for any new business. In Bulgaria, where relationships and local networks often influence business success, taking the right steps to market your company and build networks is crucial.

  • Embrace Digital Marketing: Establishing a digital footprint through a website, social media, and online advertising can significantly enhance your visibility. With most consumers turning to the internet to find products and services, having searchable and engaging online content is imperative.
  • Local Networking: Joining local business associations, chambers of commerce, and attending industry events can provide valuable connections, insights, and opportunities. Networking is key to finding partners, customers, and even talented employees.
  • Understand the Market: Conduct market research to identify consumer trends, competition, and potential opportunities in Bulgaria. Tailoring your marketing strategies to the local audience can help you meet their needs more effectively.
  • Leverage Local Media: Consider using local newspapers, radio, and television to promote your business. Local media can be particularly effective in reaching a broader audience, especially if your business caters to the local market.

By focusing on these areas, you can establish a strong brand presence in Bulgaria, helping your business to grow and succeed in its first year and beyond.

Success Stories: Startups That Thrived in Bulgaria

Bulgaria, with its strategic location, low corporate taxes, and skilled workforce, has become a fertile ground for startups. Here, we explore a few remarkable success stories of startups that have thrived, turning Bulgaria into their launchpad for global success.

How These Entrepreneurs Made It Big

Several Bulgarian startups have made headlines for their innovative solutions and rapid growth. For instance, a tech company specializing in AI has seen exponential growth thanks to its robust software solutions.

Another success story is that of an eco-friendly startup, which has developed sustainable products leading to wide recognition and substantial venture capital funding. These entrepreneurs leveraged Bulgaria’s business-friendly climate, financial incentives, and access to a broad market to fuel their growth.

Their journeys underscore the importance of aligning product offerings with market needs, smart use of available resources, and the crucial role of networking within the business community, both locally and internationally.

Lessons Learned: What You Can Apply to Your Venture

Examining these success stories reveals valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs. First and foremost, understanding the local market and regulatory environment is crucial. Bulgaria offers unique opportunities, but it’s essential to navigate its business landscape smartly and legally.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Startups that succeed in Bulgaria are often those that adapt quickly to market changes and regulatory requirements.
  • Networking: Building strong relationships with local businesses, investors, and governmental bodies can provide a solid support structure.
  • Market Research: Comprehensive market research is critical. Understanding local consumer behavior and identifying gaps in the market can create lucrative opportunities.
  • Leveraging Local Resources: Bulgaria’s skilled but cost-effective workforce is a significant asset. Entrepreneurs should make full use of this advantage.

Ultimately, the key takeaway from Bulgaria’s startup success stories is that with the right approach, the country offers a supportive ecosystem for businesses to grow. The blend of low operational costs, strategic location, and access to talent makes Bulgaria not just a place to start a business, but a hub to expand it globally.

Conclusion: Is Bulgaria the Right Choice for Your Startup?

Deciding where to establish your startup is a critical step that can influence your business’s trajectory. Bulgaria presents a compelling option for entrepreneurs worldwide, thanks to a blend of advantages that cater to the economic, logistical, and cultural needs of a burgeoning business. This country, nestled at a crossroads between Europe and Asia, offers an amalgam of opportunities that can catapult startups into the international arena.

Bulgaria’s strategic location cannot be overstated. It acts as a gateway to both European and Asian markets, offering unmatched access that is vital for startups aiming for global influence. The benefit of being at such a juncture is not just in geography but also in the ease of logistics and trade it facilitates with neighboring countries. Furthermore, Bulgaria’s economic landscape, marked by its low corporate tax rates and operational costs, makes it an economical choice for startups mindful of budget without sacrificing quality or access to skilled labor.

However, the decision to start a business in Bulgaria should stem from a comprehensive understanding of what this country has to offer. It’s not just about the financial benefits but also about immersing your business in a culturally rich and innovative environment.

The industrious and highly educated workforce is ready to push the boundaries of industries like automotive, electronics, manufacturing, and beyond. Moreover, government initiatives and organizations like Invest in Bulgaria agency provide invaluable support to foreign entrepreneurs navigating the legal and economic landscape of the country.

For entrepreneurs pondering whether Bulgaria is the right place for their startup, considering the blend of strategic advantages, economic benefits, and the supportive ecosystem is crucial. As you weigh your options, remember that success also depends on aligning your business goals with the unique opportunities that Bulgaria offers.

It’s about finding harmony between what your startup needs and what the country can provide. Whether it’s the advanced manufacturing capabilities, the burgeoning tech scene, or the strategic market access, Bulgaria offers a vibrant ground for entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level.

In the ever-competitive global market, choosing Bulgaria could be your first step towards pioneering innovation and expansive growth. For those still navigating the decision-making process, reaching out to experts like Nomad Capitalist can provide guidance tailored to your business needs. This could very well be the turning point, offering not just a new business location but a strategic partner in the global landscape.

Ultimately, the question of whether Bulgaria is the right place for your startup is one that combines both objective advantages and subjective fit. If you’re looking for a country that offers a balance between economic efficiency and access to a dynamic and expanding market, Bulgaria stands out as a prime choice. Its doors are open to those ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the global business arena.

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Company Registration Procedure in Bulgaria (Step by Step)

Mina Boycheva 31/10/2019

How to extent your company in Bulgaria?
How to scale your service in Bulgaria?
How to register a firm in Bulgaria?
Take FREE consultation and offer for company formation in Bulgaria.

In this article, we will undergo the process of registering a company in Bulgaria. With time a growing number of individuals choose to start their own venture right here. This is primarily due to the mix of low company taxes as well as the open door to the European market.
We will try to answer some the most common concerns pertaining to business incorporation in the country, like who can sign up a firm, how much does it cost, what time does it take, etc.

Who can register a firm in Bulgaria?

Actually, any person who has reached the age of 18 regardless of citizenship. There are basically no official demands or conditions for international people that intend to sign up a firm. It doesn’t also matter if you are a European citizen or not.

What sort of firm should I register?

The type of company you need is most likely an OOD. This refers to the well-known and also favored around the world restricted liability business– LLC or Ltd. For a lot bigger companies it might be appropriate to register a joint-stock company but these cases are actually unusual.

How much does it cost?

Company registration in Bulgaria is relatively cheap compared to the majority of European countries. The state tax is approximately 55 EUR, yet it is lowered in half if the records are filed online. In order to do this however, one should have an electronic signature with an electronic certificate. Generally future firm owners license a lawyer or an additional expert that owns an electronic signature to file the company papers on their part in the Trade register.
Apart from this, you must add to the total costs a little notary cost and also an additional tiny fee for opening a checking account (integrated at no more than 15 EUR).

What must the future proprietor of the business do for the registration?

Although the procedure is definitely not complicated, there are a variety of documents that have to be presented to the Bulgarian trade register upon registration. They include the company by-laws, some official statements signed by the supervisor and evidence for paid state fee as well as deposited capital.
A few of the stated documents can be prepared by a legal practitioner while for others you have to go to a notary and a bank institution. At the bank, you open a firm account and also deposit the starting funding. Don’t stress too much over this. The minimum firm resources is 1 EUR although we extremely recommend signing up the business with a much bigger first financial investment. The factor for this is that the new firm resources need to be enough to cover at least the initial expenditures that your business may have, like office rental fee, acquisition of supplies and other.

Do I have to literally remain in Bulgaria for the registration process?

Staying in Bulgaria for the enrollment is useful, yet it is not completely mandatory. Instead of going to a notary you can visit a Bulgarian embassy or consulate abroad as well as you can license a third party to transfer the firm resources on your behalf. You can sign all the required files from another location.

How long does the process take?

Not too long, really. You can conclude the whole procedure from beginning to end in three service days. If you utilize the solutions of a professional, the things that you have to do shouldn’t take more than a number of hours in Bulgaria.
What to keep in mind?
First, you must recognize that in Bulgaria you can just register a firm under a name written in Cyrillic. You are complimentary to add a name in Latin, however it should be identical to the Cyrillic one. This name must likewise be available, implying that there is no other business with the exact same name already registered.
Also note that the files for the business enrollment (or registration) must be written in Bulgarian. You can additionally make use of multilingual documents; still, the translation in Bulgarian is a must.
The best recommendation is that you employ an expert for the company registration. The process may not be that complicated but it is a strictly formal one. This suggests that any kind of blunder will certainly result in rejection by the Trade register and you will certainly need to invest more cash and time in the process.

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The outsourcing business in Bulgaria has good perspectives ( Updates 2019)

Mina Boycheva 26/03/2019

The newly established Bulgarian Outsourcing Association made prognosis for a stable increase in the number of companies that plan to outsource their business to Bulgaria. These companies be registered in Sofia and could come from many spheres of activity. The new association predicted that the increase in the number of companies will be around three times in the next five years. The outsourcing business is considered among the most dynamic industries in the country and currently it employs around 15 000 people in the capital. Their number is expected to triple according to the five year prognosis. The stable political situation, the low taxes and the acceptable wages in the country, the professional skills of the employees, as well as its being part of the European Union, make Bulgaria an attractive destination for the large and stable companies in Western Europe and the United States. These companies will look for business centers with offices of the highest class, which have central and convenient locations and perfect infrastructure, besides offering an impressive range of services and facilities. It is believed that these big companies will later open other offices throughout the country in cities like Varna and Bourgas, Plovdiv and Rousse.

The outsourcing business is considered among the most dynamic industries in the country and currently it employs around 15 000 people in the capital. Their number is expected to triple according to the five year prognosis.

Among the founders of the Bulgarian Outsourcing Association are companies like Coca-Cola Hellenic IT Services, AII Data Processing, Sofica Group, Atos Bulgaria and Bulpros. They believe that if the state and the companies join their forces, this will lead to a stable development of that industry sphere. If the proper activities are arranged and successful policies are followed, then Bulgaria can become one of the top ten destinations for outsourcing. Special attention has to be paid to the professionals who apply for work in these outsourcing companies. Usually, these are people with a lot of knowledge and skills, but they still need training in certain spheres. It is not a secret at all that some of the largest outsourcing companies that are working in Bulgaria are in direct connection with the universities where they look for ambitious students. They try to attract the talented ones and offer them a job before they head to a carrier abroad. There is potential in the rest of the big cities in the country besides Sofia, where there are no such projects and opportunities, but there are still good professionals. The outsourcing industry is in demand for different types of employees – from recent graduates to managers and strictly qualified professionals.

In general, Bulgaria has excellent reputation among the companies in the outsourcing business and it will continue to attract them. The reasons for that are not only the membership of the country in the European Union, but also the tax alleviations and the desire for less bureaucracy.

In general, Bulgaria has excellent reputation among the companies in the outsourcing business and it will continue to attract them. The reasons for that are not only the membership of the country in the European Union, but also the tax alleviations and the desire for less bureaucracy. Of course, we should also mention the welcoming atmosphere, the excellent infrastructure and the construction of business centers with prestige location that correspond to the needs and the requirements that are important to the foreign investors.

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Do You Need Our Payroll Services?

Mina Boycheva 25/03/2016

Bulgaria is а well-known destination for outsourcing services already. The country is known for its wide range of advantages that it offers to the local and the international investors. Prior to starting a business in the country, those investors need to decide about the type of business they will need to set up. According to the Bulgarian laws, citizens from abroad have the right to establish a business in the country in the form of sole proprietorship, a representative office, a partnership, a branch.

The team behind SofiaOffices company has been on the market for many years and is quite aware that the businesses in Bulgaria have diverse payroll needs. That is why the company started providing fast and accurate online payroll services to those clients that need them. Bulgaria has strong market potential and attracts the interest of many investors. Just like the rest of the European countries, it has however its own employment legislative subtleties. If wisely observed, these regulations ensure that your outsourced workforce in Bulgaria is nicely managed and paid accordingly. StaySofia has the capacity to provide employment and payroll outsourcing services on time, as well as business support.

The team behind SofiaOffices company has been on the market for many years and is quite aware that the businesses in Bulgaria have diverse payroll needs.

In order the work to be done fluently, every business company is in need of administrative and payroll services. This is a boring job (yeah, we know) that brings no profit (but is associated with expenses instead). Yet, someone should do it, so it is always better to leave that task in our hands and focus on what you do best. Among the administrative services that we provide is the preparation of all documents associated with the start of the employment process of every employee, including the registration of the labor contracts in the National Revenue Agency, and all other documents that concern the change in the employment status, the retirement, the cash benefits and the social assistance documents. The maintenance of the employees’ records in perfect condition is also part of the task.

The payroll services that SofiaOffices cover include all important aspects that concern the payment of the employees in Bulgaria. These include the process of the variable monthly payroll information, calculation of the vacation days and sick leaves, changes in the wages, method of remuneration, working positions, calculation of the monthly gross and net wages, social and health insurances, income tax, etc.

Payroll Services in Bulgaria Milestones:
• Minimum wage – 210 EUR
• Employer’s taxes – 30.7%
• VAT – 20%
• PIT – 10%
• Annual paid vacation – at least 20 days
• Payroll currency – BGN, Euro, Dollar
• Overtime – Working overtime is principally not allowed by the Labour Code) with exceptions only under tight premise. The extent of overtime must not exceed 6 h (night work 4 h) per week, 30 h (night work 20 h) per month and 150 h per year. During two consecutive days no more than a total of 3 hours (night work 2) overtime are allowed. The premiums amount to minimum of: – 50% for work on regular working days; -75% for work on days of rest (Sundays); – 100% on statutory holidays.

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Company registration and opening of an office in Sofia city

Mina Boycheva 31/05/2013

Investors who want to start their business in Bulgaria and find its Sofia a great destination for outsourcing their business will be pleased to find out the various positive aspects of Sofia city. The capital of Bulgaria provides several very good office buildings of the highest class A, as well as numerous professionals that can help them with consulting and company registration, financing and taxation process. Investors who want to register their company in Sofia will be able to choose from joint stock companies, limited liability companies and sole trader enterprises, depending on their purposes and intentions. They will have to complete a pack of documents, prepared according to the legislation of Bulgaria. The company registration includes reservation of a company name, opening of a company bank account, signing of power of attorney, registration at the National Insurance Institute, National Statistical Institute, Local Tax Authority and the Commercial Register.

Once the company is registered, then comes the sweet but also hard part and that is to find a suitable Sofia office that corresponds to the business intention and needs. In the city of Sofia could be found excellent offices that correspond to all requirements for class A office premises.

Once the company is registered, then comes the sweet but also hard part and that is to find a suitable Sofia office that corresponds to the business intention and needs. As mentioned above, in the city of Sofia could be found excellent offices that correspond to all requirements for class A office premises. Most of the Sofia offices are organized in the Business Park Sofia in Mladost District, along Bulgaria Blvd. and Tsarigradsko Shousse Blvd., as well as in the center of the city and in Lozenets District.

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The taxes applied on the registered companies in Bulgaria

Mina Boycheva 30/05/2013

Whether renting an office in Sofia, the rest of the big cities like Varna, Plovdiv and Bourgas, all companies that are registered in Bulgaria and operate here should work according to the regulation of the Bulgarian law and legislation system. At the same time, they have to follow the European laws as well, as the country is a member state of the European Union. The managers of all companies that are registered in Bulgaria should know that the tax management process is important part of the accounting and the financial activity of every company. It has direct connection with the profit and the investments that the company can do.

Whether renting an office in Sofia, the rest of the big cities like Varna, Plovdiv and Bourgas, all companies that are registered in Bulgaria and operate here should work according to the regulation of the Bulgarian law and legislation system.

Companies that are registered and operate on the territory of Bulgaria should use a company providing tax accounting services or should hire own accountant. The services mentioned include the modeling of the tax rate, the handling of the tax documentation, the tax assistance and the tax analysis, but also a forecast for the income tax, which is important. Other aspects that should be covered include analysis of data, evaluations of tax returns, tax liability reduction planning, VAT book keeping, etc. The companies being registered and operating in Bulgaria, which have an office in Sofia or elsewhere or do have a car, should also pay immovable and movable property taxation. The companies that are registered in Bulgaria and operate here should further cover national insurance for the employees.

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Tax planning in Bulgaria

Mina Boycheva 14/01/2013

All good company managers know that once the company is registered and the office is available, they have to look for a good accountant or an entire accounting company that will take care of the taxes. The accountants will be able to plan all corporate taxes of the company. These include the value added tax (VAT), the income tax, the tax impact on the business and the dividends tax. Actually, the accountants will play a vital role in the company’s life and in every financial move in Bulgaria that has to be done. That is why getting an experienced accountant or a professional accountant company that can offer comprehensive consultation on all taxes in the country and the changes they often go through is important. These accountants will be able to keep the tracks of the monthly expenses of the office, but will also provide the managers with tax information on the Bulgarian tax rates, the due dates for these taxes, as well as the so called process of tax planning. They will be able to support the company with information that concern the applicable VAT in Bulgaria and the VAT registration, and shall be able to represent the company before several national institutions or take care of the property tax.

All good company managers know that once the company is registered and the office is available, they have to look for a good accountant or an entire accounting company that will take care of the taxes. The accountants will be able to plan all corporate taxes of the company.

Currently Bulgaria offers good and acceptable income tax system, which is the lowest one within the tax rates of the European Union. This tax rate is 10 % for corporate tax and withholding tax rate for the non-residents. There is also 5 % tax rate on dividends and tax from shares. The VAT rate is 20 % and there are no plans for its reduction at the moment. There is a reduced rate of VAT that amounts to 9 % for the hotel accommodations and the tourism sector. The good accountant will be able to inform the managers of the company in advance, so that they can use the most profitable way of making business and handling the tax liabilities of the registered company in Bulgaria.

The stable politics that concern the taxes in Bulgaria and the new changes to the better that are expected in year 2013 are great news for the companies that are still hesitating whether to open offices in Sofia and other cities in Bulgaria.

The plans of the Finance Minister Simeon Dyankov include imposing of a 10 % tax on the income from the bank deposits and other taxes on the profit from the stock exchange in year 2013. These measures are taken by the government, as it aims to ensure an equal tax treatment over the income which actually underlines the idea of the flat rate. The plans of the Finance Minister do not include aligning of the tax rates with the rates that are implied in the other European Union countries. On the contrary, he put a stress that he plans to preserve the low taxation in Bulgaria. The stable politics that concern the taxes in Bulgaria and the new changes to the better that are expected in year 2013 are great news for the companies that are still hesitating whether to open offices in Sofia and other cities in Bulgaria.

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Bulgaria is appealing for the outsourcing companies

Mina Boycheva 27/12/2012

For several years already Bulgaria keeps on being quite appealing for the outsourcing companies. This sphere of business in Sofia and the rest of the big cities in Bulgaria is generating significant income for the international companies that have decided to make this step. According to the British newspaper “Financial Times”, this sector employs more than 15 000 people in the country. Although not as famous outsourcing destinations as the Philippines or India for example, Bulgaria and the city of Sofia in particular attract investors due to several factors. Among them are the good location, the professional and well trained staff and the relatively low wages. Many popular and large international companies have already opened and successfully run their outsourcing centers in Bulgaria. Among the leading ones are such solid companies like Hewlett-Packard and IBM, Coca-Cola, as well as Telus – the Canadian company, which bought part of the Bulgarian company CallPoint New Europ.

Many popular and large international companies have already opened and successfully run their outsourcing centers in Bulgaria. Among the leading ones are such solid companies like Hewlett-Packard and IBM, Coca-Cola.

Outsourcing sector in Sofia is open to anything that will make the work easier and the employees – satisfied. The goal is for the work to be done and the customer to receive what one paid for. The outsourcing companies, like all other companies, have certain positions that do not require the employees to work from the office. The outsourcing sector welcomes this idea and this opportunity and even encourages some employees to work from home and visit the office once or twice a week. In this way they save time and money for travelling. These outsourcing companies also have open positions to part time employees and are happy to hire people with disabilities. After all, we all live in an era where one needs a computer, a telephone and a good Internet connection in order to do one’s work. The outsourcing companies appreciate the general knowledge of their employees and their great professionalism, and cherish the knowledge of different languages. It is this knowledge of languages make Bulgaria stand out from the other countries that are destinations for outsourcing. That is why we have to put our emphasis on this. In conclusion, Bulgaria is expected to attract many new outsourcing companies in the future. Young people will have the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and skills that they have, to learn how to take risks and to set the basis for their career growth.

The outsourcing companies, like all other companies, have certain positions that do not require the employees to work from the office.

The outsourcing sector is driven by the state in many direct and indirect ways. These include infrastructure improvements and tax exemptions, logistics support and training of the personnel. Those major players who wish to register a company in the country and operate their business from Sofia are further encouraged to do so by the relatively low wage costs. In an interview that was published by, Mr. Joseph Lazarus, the manager of IBM Global Delivery Center Bulgaria, stated that at present Bulgaria provides the right balance of talented and ambitious professionals with experience and reasonable costs. The big companies that decided to outsource their business to Bulgaria have invested a lot of energy and money here in order to expand their business and offer competitive products and services. Big obstacles in the expansion of their business are the costs and taxes they have to pay, but this is a sphere that could be interfered with government's changes.

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2013: what to expect from the office market

Mina Boycheva 21/12/2012

Now that year 2013 is ahead of us, many are wondering what to expect from the office market in the next twelve months. According to the research, the main driving force will most probably be the foreign companies which work in the production and services sphere, as well as the outsourcing companies. These will most probably be registered companies in Bulgaria, which will pay taxes here and will hire local employees. The big international companies are focused on the optimization of their expenses and that is why they will keep on searching for other ways and countries to make business. These will be destinations, where the political situation is stable, the tax levels are low and the sums for salaries are affordable for them to cover.

The big international companies are focused on the optimization of their expenses and that is why they will keep on searching for other ways and countries to make business.

This tendency has already started in Bulgaria and will be valid for the next year as well. Bulgaria, and especially its capital Sofia, as well as other of the major cities like Plovdiv, Varna and Bourgas, will put efforts into creating corporate business centers, which will be modern, with the required facilities and prestige city address. These business centers will be of the highest class A and will answer the requirements of the international companies that plan to operate here. These will be IT and HR companies, accounting companies, logistic companies, express services, call centers and companies that offer different administrative activities and services. Besides the already existing outsourcing companies, there will be new ones that will emerge on the market and this will lead to demand for new working places in modern offices. Big investments are also expected in the industrial sector, which will be stirred by companies that want to relocate their production to Bulgaria and reduce their expenses made in the process of production.

Besides the already existing outsourcing companies, there will be new ones that will emerge on the market and this will lead to demand for new working places in modern offices.

The rented offices in Sofia during the first nine months of 2012 amounted to 71 150 sq.m, which is with 50 % more if compared to the same period the previous year and with almost 18 % more when compared to year 2010. In year 2012 the tendency of the big companies to expand their business to Bulgaria continued. Companies like Coca-Cola Enterprise and Ingram Micro are just two of the companies that set the example. The bank sector was also busy moving offices. Two of the bank institutions, Alpha Bank and Post Bank moved to new head offices in modern office buildings of their own. In general, the companies are looking for office buildings of the high class, with the required facilities. Some of the companies are searching for top locations in the city center, others are looking for the business zones along “Bulgaria” Blvd. and “Tsarigradsko Schousse”, while others are considering the new office building “Sofia Airport Center”. The rental levels are varying between 9 and 15 Euro per sq.m., depending on the location and the class of the office building. According to the statements of the experts and their prognoses, the offices that will come into operation in year 2013 will amount to almost 28 000 sq.m.

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More investments in Bulgaria during 2012

Mina Boycheva 19/12/2012

According to the recent analyses of the National Statistics Institute and the leading media, the business climate in Bulgaria is good and faces an increase of almost one percent in November compared to its level in October. The expectations of the managers in the industry sphere and in the sphere of services are for an increase with 3.5 per cent during December. A great part of the contractors plan to freeze the prices for the next three months. In general, Bulgaria and especially Sofia city keep their stable positions when the investment in office centers and trade buildings is concerned. There are several reasons for that. Bulgaria is in stable economic position and political situation. The country is also a member of the European Union. All these premises lead to an increase of 4.3 % in the investments during year 2012 compared to the investments made during the previous year 2011. The prognoses for year 2013 are for an increase in the investments made in the light and heavy industry including the processes of mechanization, automation, new production technologies, etc. The tendencies are for registration of companies in Bulgaria which trade with the European Union, but also with Turkey and China, Russia and USA, Serbia and Macedonia. The direct investments made in the country during the first nine months of the year are estimated at almost 972 million Euro, compared to the 712 million Euro for the same period in 2011. Great deal of investments was made from registered companies from The Netherlands, Switzerland and Russia.

According to the recent analyses of the National Statistics Institute and the leading media, the business climate in Bulgaria is good and faces an increase of almost one percent in November compared to its level in October. The expectations of the managers in the industry sphere and in the sphere of services are for an increase with 3.5 per cent during December.

In August 2012 it became clear that the Finance Minister of Bulgaria, Mr. Simeon Dyankov, stated that there will not be an increase in the value added tax in the end of 2012. In his statement however, he added that such a change is possible by the end of 2013. The Finance Minister also stated that our country does not approve the European Union tax harmonization and will not support it. This is so, as the country needs its flat tax, which amounts to 10 %, in order to be stable and to have an economic growth. Actually, the plans of this minister are for the flat tax to remain for the next ten or even fifteen years. The predictable policy of the government, as well as the stable political situation, make the country look quite appealing to the foreign investors. Many big companies are now looking towards Bulgaria and plan to outsource their business here or at least certain specific branches of their business. The good news is that the country can offer them stability and excellent infrastructure, as well as reasonable tax policy and option to register companies in Bulgaria. The other assets of the country, which are concentrated in the capital Sofia are the talented and experienced professionals, as well as the business centers of the highest class, which enjoy central and prestige locations and business addresses.

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