Bulgaria is looking for Schengen acceptance

Mina Boycheva 30/05/2013

The virtues of the Schengen entry of Bulgaria and Romania are numerous for both countries and it is comes as no surprise their willingness to become part of the passport free zone. In the recent months however, after their application was postponed for indefinite period of time, the Bulgaria and Romania are feeling pushed at the edge. The European Union partners of the two countries are questioning their willingness to oppose the organized crime, the corruption and the illegal migration and are talking about the two countries low commitment to the rules and regulations of the law. Bulgaria is a member of the European Union since 2007 but that membership did not bring economic growth or stability as expected. Even so, the country has benefited from becoming a member, even though it still has issues to cope with.

The income per person has increased, the opportunities of the residents to work across Europe are many, but still Bulgarians and Romanians do not feel really integrated and the rejection of their entry to Schengen is yet another proof of that.

The income per person has increased, the opportunities of the residents to work across Europe are many, but still Bulgarians and Romanians do not feel really integrated and the rejection of their entry to Schengen is yet another proof of that. Since Bulgaria has remained outside the Schengen zone and the free movement of people, the question whether it will accept the Euro currency is still not debated.

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