
Bulgaria With Corruption Investigation Unit

Mina Boycheva 20/08/2015

Another step was taken by Bulgaria in her attempt to be accepted as a member of the Schengen zone. Several weeks ago, the government of Bulgaria has approved the formation of a special unit aiming to investigate the high-level corruption in the country. This comes as an answer to Brussels, which has criticized Bulgaria repeatedly through the years for failing to put in prison corrupt officials. Both Romania and Bulgaria are now hoping to make a progress in the areas that keep them from joining the travel free Schengen zone.

The targets of the investigation of that strategy will be the prime minister and the president, various prosecutors and lawmakers, directors of large institutions, hospitals, etc. This will be another step towards Bulgaria’s accession in the Schengen zone.

Until now the corruption has undermined the trust of the Bulgarians in all the public institutions and has kept low the number of the foreign investments made. According to the Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva from now on with the new corruption investigation unit being made, the approach to all residents – ordinary people and high-level officials, will be the same. The anti-corruption unit will start operating in 2016 along with the National Strategy for prevention and for combating of corruption which will be in progress in the period 2015 – 2020. The targets of the investigation of that strategy will be the prime minister and the president, various prosecutors and lawmakers, directors of large institutions, hospitals, etc. This will be another step towards Bulgaria’s accession in the Schengen zone.

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The Modern Sofia Offices

Mina Boycheva 13/08/2015

Sofia is a busy city with cosmopolitan atmosphere and as such it tries to offer modern office buildings. The business centers in Sofia however are almost fully rented with not many projects for office buildings waiting in the pipeline. Those that have been recently released such as Infinity Towers and Capital Fort offer a great solution in terms of quality, energy efficiency, aesthetics, fast proximity to the center of the city and the rest of the districts. Among the other factors that are of great importance for the optimal functioning of each modern office building are the light, acoustic and spacious factors, the excellent infrastructure of the area, the availability of parking lots, the low exploitation expenses, etc.

The main engine that drives that tendency is the interest towards offices from class A, which are on demand by the international companies in the outsourcing and the IT sector. Currently in Sofia are under construction 124 000 sq.m of offices with many projects being restarted.

The good news is that the market of office premises is in stable progress with more than 40% increase in the office premises being rented out in 2014 compared to the year before that. The main engine that drives that tendency is the interest towards offices from class A, which are on demand by the international companies in the outsourcing and the IT sector. Currently in Sofia are under construction 124 000 sq.m of offices with many projects being restarted.

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Switzerland Supports Bulgaria for Schengen

Mina Boycheva 13/08/2015

Bulgaria and Switzerland has been taken steps into strengthening their cooperation in the spheres of security and economy. That became clear after a meeting in June between the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the President of Switzerland and Head of the Department of Justice and Police Simonetta Sommaruga during a delegation visit in Switzerland.

Bulgaria has been enjoying Switzerland’s support for Bulgaria’s Schengen accession for a long time.

The issues that have been discussed during the meeting cover the migration policy and the refugee crisis and naturally the Bulgaria’s accession in the travel free Schengen zone. The Prime Minister remarked that Bulgaria has been enjoying Switzerland’s support for Bulgaria’s Schengen accession for a long time. He stated that Bulgaria is protecting the external border of the European Union very well even despite the issues with the refuges, the loss of border fence and the refugee camps near the border.

His Swiss colleague Ms Sommaruga expressed her positive attitude towards the border protection taken and the fight of the country against smuggling. The two politicians agreed to set bilateral relations in different aspects of mutual interest.

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Capital Fort – the Office Giant in Sofia

Mina Boycheva 06/08/2015

Capital Fort is the new business center in Sofia, which is to open doors on “Tsarigradsko Schousse” Blvd. It is among the highest buildings in the country and is about to change the office market in Sofia. Capital Fort comes with a height of 126 m and will offer the impressive 42 000 sq.m of office premises of the highest class A. For a certain period of time, the business center will be the largest one that is providing such spacious office premises. The investor has picked the right moment with that project since there is a serious demand for quality offices and their rental prices have gone up. The owners believe that by the end of the year the business center will be completely rented out.

Capital Fort is the new business center in Sofia, which is to open doors on “Tsarigradsko Schousse” Blvd. It is among the highest buildings in the country and is about to change the office market in Sofia.

The construction of Capital Fort business center has started in 2010 by a solid investor with many completed holiday complexes along the Black Sea coast. The office center has excellent location among which a metro station 50 m away, and many administrative and trade centers along the boulevard. The plans of the investors are to build other business buildings in the area in the future and to run the entire complex on a long term basis. Capital Fort business center is in process of getting certificate according to the British standard for ecological buildings BREEAM.

Capital Fort is coming on the office market in the very right moment, when the demand for offices by companies in the IT and the outsourcing business is very serious. The expectations are for 95 % of the office premises in the building to be rented by outsourcing companies. The rental levels are between 10 and 16 Euro/sq.m. depending on the location and disposition, the size of the offices and the duration of the contracts.

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Schengen Issue in Bulgaria on the Table at the Summit in Brussels

Mina Boycheva 06/08/2015

The Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev has put the Bulgarian issue with the Schengen entry on the table during the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Summit 2015. The president informed his listeners that Bulgaria has treated its commitments very responsibly. Mr. Plevneliev stated the question for Bulgaria’s accession to Schengen area during the first integration state as he feels Bulgarians should not keep on tolerating the postponement and the double standards.

Bulgaria has been fully prepared and ready for entering the passport free travel zone of Schengen for many years already.

Bulgaria has been fully prepared and ready for entering the passport free travel zone of Schengen for many years already. The local institutions have taken all precautions and the reforms made in the Judiciary system have shown great results. According to the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev Bulgaria should be included in the first stage of the accession – opening of the marine borders.

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Serious Demand for Luxurious Sofia Offices

Mina Boycheva 31/07/2015

The increased demand for quality offices in Sofia will lead to increase in the rental levels of these offices, according to the reputable real estate agents in Bulgaria. This will further increase the difference between the rental levels of the offices of class B and those of class A. The prognoses are for further reduction of the percentage of available office premises in Sofia. The experts believe that the completion of the first and second stage of the metro lines in Sofia, the interest towards the business centers around Cherni Vrah Blvd. and the Business Park in Sofia will increase.

The increased demand for quality offices in Sofia will lead to increase in the rental levels of these offices, according to the reputable real estate agents in Bulgaria.

As a rule, all large companies that are outsourcing their business in Bulgaria have interest towards the office buildings of the highest segment. That is so since these offices have high energy efficiency, retail zone, sport centers nearby, etc. In 2014 and in the first half of 2015, there was a demand for spacious offices of more than 500 sq.m. and towards offices of more than 1000 sq.m. These premises are in the focus of the IT companies. The top center of the Bulgarian capital is not among the most sought after office locations in Sofia due to the high taxes, the limited parking hours and the lack of large office premises. At the same time, there is interest towards the business areas near the ring road where the rental levels are lower and the parking is not an issue.

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Bulgaria Supported for Schengen Entry by Luxembourg

Mina Boycheva 31/07/2015

The next president of the European Union Council will be Luxembourg and Bulgaria is lucky to have its support concerning the Schengen Accession. This was said by the Deputy PM Meglena Kuneva. This means that as Luxembourg gets the presidency since July 1st, Bulgaria will be strongly supported as far as Schengen area accession is concerned. This became clear after the meeting of Meglena Kuneva – the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister for Coordination of European Policy and Jean Asselborn – Institutional Affairs and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg in the Grand Duchy.

Luxembourg has declared its unequivocal commitment to support all efforts of Bulgaria to enter Schengen within their Presidency.

In fact Schengen was the main topic of the high-end talks and the two state officials. Luxembourg has declared its unequivocal commitment to support all efforts of Bulgaria to enter Schengen within their Presidency. Bulgaria is expected to take the EU Council Presidency in 2018 and that will be the first time of the country.

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Outsourcing in Sofia: The Companies and the Office Market

Mina Boycheva 24/07/2015

The careful analysis of the real estate companies has shown that most of the outsourcing companies still prefer to rent offices in Sofia rather than buy them. The interest that the companies which want to outsource their business show is towards business centers with energy efficiency, parking zone, shopping area, sport center and good location, covered by the public transport means. Many companies doing business in Sofia have already moved to new, larger offices with more amenities. Large companies from the business process outsourcing sphere and from the IT sector continue to be the driving force behind Sofia office market.

The interest that the companies which want to outsource their business show is towards business centers with energy efficiency, parking zone, shopping area, sport center and good location, covered by the public transport means.

As several major metro stations have been completed and extensions of the first and second diameter of Sofia underground are soon to be ready, the real estate agents expect a revival of the office market in the areas around the Business Park Sofia and the airport, Kambanite zone and “Cherni Vrah” Blvd. The major companies that are outsourcing their business to Sofia are focused primarily on the high-end office buildings. Naturally, that reflects on the rental rates, which range from 10 to 14 Euros per sq.m for class A offices. Sofia offices vacancy rate continues to decline and is expected to fall below 10%.

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Bulgaria Accessed Without Visa by Emiratis

Mina Boycheva 24/07/2015

At the end of May it became clear that the Emiratis will be given access without visas to several countries, among which being Bulgaria. The decision was made by the European Union and thus Emiratis will now have access to the Schengen zone. This means that people from the UAE will have access to the European property market and potential investments. The currency advantage is on the side of Emirates and this makes the investment in European properties and businesses even more appealing.

Thanks to the new offer the Emiratis will have visa-free access to 26 countries in the Schengen zone and eight countries that are not yet members of the Schengen agreement, including Bulgaria and Romania, Cyprus and Croatia, Andorra and San Marino, Monaco and the Vatican.

This move of the European Union to allow residents of UAE to invest with no visa restrictions in countries from the Schengen Zone is very important. In fact the UAE is the first country that is granted free entry to the passport free area. Thanks to the new offer the Emiratis will have visa-free access to 26 countries in the Schengen zone and eight countries that are not yet members of the Schengen agreement, including Bulgaria and Romania, Cyprus and Croatia, Andorra and San Marino, Monaco and the Vatican. The free entry to the Schengen zone is for 90 days in any 180 day period. Naturally, Emirates has welcomed the agreement as this will save a lot of money and time to the travelers.

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Outsourcing in Sofia: Lack of Suitable Offices

Mina Boycheva 17/07/2015

The percentage of the available offices of class A in the capital Sofia is dropping and the expectations for a lack of suitable office premises for 2015 are met. The increased interest in Sofia offices of class A, along with the numerous contracts signed and the insufficient construction of office buildings during the last couple of years let to almost full coverage of all office projects of the highest class.

The percentage of the available offices of class A in the capital Sofia is dropping and the expectations for a lack of suitable office premises for 2015 are met.

One of the reasons for the decline in office vacancy is the weak investment in such construction projects due to the unstable political and economic situation in the country in 2014. That led to a record low level in the number of the completed office buildings of the highest class A. The newly opened Infinity Tower on “Bulgaria” Blvd. and the recently completed Capital Fort complex of offices on “Tsarigradsko Shosse” Blvd. are more than 80 % full. In general, in 2014 in Sofia was initiated construction of 16.5 sq.m of office space which is almost 9 % less than in the previous year.

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