Austria supports Bulgaria’s Schengen Bid

Mina Boycheva 13/06/2014

Recently became clear that the Foreign Minister of Austria Mr. Sebastian Kurz is supporting the progress that Bulgaria has made for being accepted in the Schengen travel free area. Mr. Kurz gave his support for the entry of Bulgaria in the Schengen area during a meeting that he had with his Bulgarian counterpart Mr. Kristian Vigenin, which was held in the Austrian capital Vienna. The two ministers of Austria and Bulgaria further discussed the Southern Stream gas pipeline and agreed that it plays a great role in the energy security of Europe.

Recently became clear that the Foreign Minister of Austria Mr. Sebastian Kurz is supporting the progress that Bulgaria has made for being accepted in the Schengen travel free area.

During the official meeting, the Foreign Minister of Austria Mr. Sebastian Kurz and the Foreign Minister of Bulgaria Mr. Kristian Vigenin also discussed the situation with the refugees and the immigrants. At that point Mr. Vigenin expressed his opinion that the European Union needs a border policy that is not only focused on the integration and the border security, but is also targeted at the direct support of the countries in the conflict. Both Kurz and Vigenin shared their idea that the European Union has to be enlarged into the countries from the Western Balkans and expressed their opinion how important the good neighborly relations are.

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