UK unreasonably fears Bulgarian entry into Schengen

Mina Boycheva 17/05/2013

In the last two months have been heard various arguments for and against the entry on Bulgaria into the Schengen zone. But is this fear reasonable? No doubts the debate whether Bulgaria and Romania should enter the passport-free zone will get hotter in the next months that follow. It is expected that the two countries will become members of the agreement early next year. This led to fears in Britain over the immigration wave that is expected to reach the country.

There are many Bulgarians who are working in the United Kingdom for years, paying their taxes.

Bulgarians however find this fear as offensive. The truth is that there are many gypsies who would seek for a way to enter UK, so if the British authorities are afraid of that they can introduce a simple English language test and find out who has a real reason to move to UK and has made efforts and who has not. As for the immigrants, there are many Bulgarians who are working in the United Kingdom for years, paying their taxes. The people that are now living in Bulgaria are people who want to change their country to the better and they want one thing as far as Schengen is concerned – freedom to travel when they want to and no bureaucracy. They are fed up of being treated as untrustworthy, second hand people. Hopefully, soon this will stop.

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