Category: Business Support

Is The End of Schengen Coming?

Mina Boycheva 30/08/2016

In an attempt to minimize the migration crisis effects on Europe, the MEPs have agreed to replace the border agency of the union known as Frontex with a newly formed agency for European border and coast guard, which will have more power. The Schengen zone, which allows passport-free travel, has been blamed for allowing terrorists and various economic migrants to enter and travel free across the European continent.

The Schengen zone, which allows passport-free travel, has been blamed for allowing terrorists and various economic migrants to enter and travel free across the European continent.

The formation of the new agency received a positive vote, which means that the border controls in EU will be re-introduced, despite the fact that the Schengen agreement is seen as one of the success stories of the European Union.

The yet to be formed European Border and Coast Guard Regulation Agency will make sure that the external borders of the EU are better managed and safer. The national authorities will still take care of their borders, yet the external borders will be covered by the new agency as well. These new rules are to be applied to all Schengen zone members, but will also cover the territories of Bulgaria and Romania, Croatia and Cyprus, as well as the members of the European Free Trade Association – Iceland and Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

The new European Border and Coast Guard Regulation Agency will have border guards nominated by the member states. It will also return migrants to their country of origin. Without such effective control on the external borders, the rules of Schengen will not survive.

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Bulgaria – part of the new European Border & Coast Guard Agency

Mina Boycheva 25/08/2016

In June the EU Commission officially confirmed that Bulgaria will be part of the brand new European Border & Coast Guard Agency. The invitation came in a response to a letter by the Bulgarian MEP with Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, asking the EU Commission to inform Bulgarians whether the new European Border and Coast Guard will concern all EU member states or just the states that are within the Schengen area.

In June the EU Commission officially confirmed that Bulgaria will be part of the brand new European Border & Coast Guard Agency.

From the written response of the EU Commission it became clear that the regulations which concern the European Border and Coast Guard will also be applied to the external borders according to Tittle II of the Schengen Borders Code. This means that Bulgaria will officially be part of the European Border and Coast Guard. The Bulgarian MP further requested guarantees that the same agency will interfere in case secure protection of the external borders of Bulgaria is needed, and especially the coastal border with the Black Sea and the one with Turkey. The answer of the European Commission stated that Bulgaria, as a member state of the EU is currently hosting the Flexible Operational Activities, the Frontex Joint Land and the other activities of the agency and will also benefit from other Frontex activities such as training and risk analysis.

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Bulgaria and Romania caught in the middle of EU conflicts

Mina Boycheva 18/08/2016

Once again Bulgaria and Romania are caught in the middle of the crisis and conflicts between their EU neighboring countries. Still, the two countries make their best to assert their interests in the various developing situations, as was stated in the Stratfor May analysis of the geopolitical intelligence.

Bulgaria and Romania caught in the middle of EU conflicts

Situated on the Balkans, in the past Bulgaria and Romania were satellite states of the Soviet Union, which was shaping their foreign and defense policies. As the Soviet Union collapsed, RBulgaria and Romania joining the European Union and NATO in 2007 and making efforts to join the Schengen zone as well.

According to the Stratfor’s forecast, Romania and Bulgaria will be increasingly involved in the refugee crisis in Europe. Due to this refugee crisis, the efforts of the two countries to enter the Schengen zone will be hampered by the measures of the EU states to limit the free movement between the countries.

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Bulgaria and Croatia with Joint Positions Concerning the Schengen membership

Mina Boycheva 30/07/2016

Bulgaria and Croatia have coordinated their positions on several important aspects on a meeting between the Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov and his Croatian Colleague Dr. Miro Kovac. The two discussed the migration crises that Europe is facing, the European integration of the Western Balkans and the possible membership in the Schengen zone. The representatives of the two countries agreed that Bulgaria and Croatia need to proceed with the reforms and with the overall European integration. The first diplomat of Bulgaria stated that the two countries should confirm their similar positions on various common issues and then relate to each other and follow a successful model for accession in the EU.

Croatia and Bulgaria will also support the enlargement process of the European Union.

The top diplomats further discussed the common objectives of the two countries aiming to join the Schengen zone and the euro area, confirming their mutual support along this process. Minister Mitov further stated that Bulgaria supported the adoption of one common European solution, and at the same time was effectively protecting the external border of the Union. During the meeting it became clear that Croatia and Bulgaria will work on the expansion of the cultural, economic and educational connections between the two countries. Croatia and Bulgaria will also support the enlargement process of the European Union.

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Extension of Schengen Internal Border Controls Urged By Six EU States

Mina Boycheva 15/07/2016

The European Commission received a proposal by six of the European Union member states for temporary proposal of the internal borders of the Schengen zone, aiming to monitor the migration flow in a better and more efficient way. The six countries (Austria and Belgium, France and Denmark, Germany and Sweden) called on the Commission to make a proposal to the European Council to introduce controls at the internal borders of Schengen as of mid-May for a period of six months.

Extension of Schengen Internal Border Controls Urged By Six EU States

These border checks are only temporary, unless a moment comes when the European Commission finds the free-travel area of EU being at a risk, due to the country’s failure to protect the external borders of the area. The number of the migrants that are reaching western and central Europe has been reduced as the Western Balkan migration route has been cut and refugees have been sent back to Greece and Turkey.

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EU to be Destroyed by a Moral Crisis

Mina Boycheva 11/07/2016

The Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev talked about the country’s relations with the European Union and the migration situation in one of the latest editions of The Global Conversation. He stated that Bulgaria has joined NATO some 12 years ago, after which it joined the European Union and was hoping to join the travel-free Schengen area ever since.

Plevneliev also stated that he wants to see Bulgaria a proud member of the European Union, prosperous, safe and secure.

The Bulgarian President stated that he is standing firmly against the building of walls between the member states of Europe. After all, the Schengen agreement has been a dream come true for more than 500 million Europeans who believe in the free travel without borders. He further stated that the European integration is a process for the country members to modernize, to restore the laws and to create institutions that serve people. Plevneliev also stated that he wants to see Bulgaria a proud member of the European Union, prosperous, safe and secure.

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Bulgaria: Schengen Requirements are met

Mina Boycheva 08/07/2016

Bulgaria and Romania have met all the requirements for becoming members of the passport-free travel Schengen area. However, the entry is not happening. The European Commission Deputy Chief Spokesperson Mina Andreeva confirmed the two countries’ readiness to become full-fledged members of the Schengen zone in front of the European Commission, but in order for this to happen Romania and Bulgaria are in need of a unanimous decision by all EU member states.

Bulgaria and Romania have met all the requirements for becoming members of the passport-free travel Schengen area.

Several months ago some of the European leaders stated that the Schengen zone is under a threat from the migration and many countries decided to introduce temporary border controls. Bulgarian and Romania authorities stated that they are not happy but added that Schengen admission is not a priority for them today due to the same migration crisis.

Currently 22 out of 27 European Union countries are member states of the Schengen area. Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria are on their way to join the Schengen zone.

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Bulgaria reliably protecting the Schengen borders

Mina Boycheva 24/06/2016

Bulgaria is fulfiling its commitments towards Europe by protecting successfully the Schengen borders in time of migration crisis. That was stated by Boiko Borrisov, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria at the end of the training Frontiers 2016. The training showed the good cooperation between the Bulgarian Army and the Ministry of Interior. The Prime Minister further stated that Bulgaria has answered all its commitments that concern the protection of the Schengen borders.

Bulgaria reliably protecting the Schengen bordes

The training’ main aim was to show the reaction towards real time situations and the coordinated efforts of the national police, the army, the border police, etc. According to the Chief of Defence Lieutenant General Constantin Popov, the interaction between the Ministry of Interiorand the colleagues is excellent. The joint operations of military personnel, policemen, and the Bulgarian Red Cross were in line with the scenario prepared in advance. Onsite to observe the training showing Bulgaria’s readiness to enter the Schengen Area were the Deputy Minister of Defence, the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, the Chief Commissioner, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior and many representatives of local authorities.

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Bulgaria Wants Equal Access to the Entry-Exit System of All Member States

Mina Boycheva 17/06/2016

Bulgaria has expressed its will for an equal access to the Entry-Exit System of the European Union for all member states. The country’s desire was presented by the Interior Minister of Bulgaria Rumyana Bachvarova, aiming to boost the efficiency of the fight against the organized crime and terrorism. The establishment of the Entry-Exit System has been proposed by the European Commission, aiming to make border checks of the non-EU nationals to become stronger and faster, while the external border management and the internal security to become easier.

Bulgaria Wants Equal Access to the Entry-Exit System of All Member States

Bulgaria, not being a member of the Schengen area, is not in the position to use the full potential of those key visa information systems with a communication infrastructure, central IT system, and links to the national systems of the member countries. Even though, the country provides security along one of the most vulnerable and important borders of the European Union having in mind the crisis with the migrants. The European Council has adopted a new directive that uses the passenger name record collecting data for the prevention of terrorist attacks.

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Bulgaria Fit to Join the Schengen Zone

Mina Boycheva 11/06/2016

Bulgaria, along with its neighboring country Romania, is among the recent additions to the European Union. The two countries do qualify for joining the Schengen Zone, yet for this to become a fact an unanimous decision of the member states of the European Union is required. The two countries’ request to obtain access to the Schengen zone but have been facing vetoes for years based on the internal instability and the various changes going on.

Bulgaria Fit to Join the Schengen Zone

The Schengen area is that part of Europe where citizens from 22 European countries can travel without the need of visa and passport, as well as no border control. The countries that are currently outsiders include Bulgaria and Romania, Cyprus and Croatia, the United Kingdom and Ireland. The total population of the Schengen Area is more than 4000 million people. According to the president of France Schengen Area has to change and be improved.

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